Dare to think out of the box?
Imagine this... It is late evening, quite dark
and there is heavy rain. You are driving your two-seater car along a
lonely road in a remote area. The nearest town is 40 minutes away
and you have petrol only to reach the town. The petrol station will
open only the following morning.
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Procrastination, the thief of time
Procrastination is the tendency to delay
tackling tasks until the last minute. Psychologist Wayne Weiten of
Santa Clara University says almost everyone procrastinates on
occasions. However, research suggests that about 20 percent of
adults are chronic procrastinators.
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Thorns on the Side
The power of television
Just a couple of weeks ago, I was glued to my
television screen watching Superstorm Sandy batter the East Coast of
the United States. I just changed the channel and the screen
displayed a live rugby match from Twickenham in the UK. I clicked
the remote again and watched a couple of minutes from a local
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