Village stream,the 'culprit':
Two lives lost in the gushing waters
by Ananda Agalakada and M.T.M. Faiz, Hali-Ela Cor.
It was a gloomy day, of late the people of the Badulla district could
not to see the sun's rays. The torrential downpour experienced almost
all over the country has taken two more lives.
Princy Ryodya |
Niroshani |
The unceasing rain would bring about many disasters and calamities in
many parts of the country.
Walikemulla Gorandiyawaka in Badulla is an extremely attractive
village in that area. The little streams and glamorous lakes increase
the picturesque environment in the village.
Princy Ryodya got used to playing fearlessly in the little stream
that ran through the village with her friends. She was a care-free and
playful little girl.
The eight-year-old Princy Ryodya from Walikemulla was a student at
the Tamil girls' school in Badulla.
She was the eldest of two girls in her family. She was in grade four
and had dreams of studying well. She tried to secure first place in
every class.
Jenita Niroshani aged 37, was her mother and father was Roy Anthoni.
Jenita looked after her daughter Princy and never wanted to leave her
daughter under anybody's care even for a single day.
On this fateful day, Princy went to school and she attended the
tuition class after school. While her mother and Princy were returning
to their house they had to cross the stream which was close by.
According to Princy's father Roy, he had received a call from Jenita
that they were on their way home. Roy had given instructions to them not
to return home across the stream and to come over the bridge which was
safe for people due to the torrential downpour experienced in the area.
Roy's wife did not heed her husband's advice and had decided to
return home across the stream with Pincy. Although Roy looked for them
he did not see after their conversation over the phone.
Roy realised something had happened to them and he rushed to his
sister's house and then rushed again towards the stream with the
While they were passing the community hall on the way to the stream
they found the daughter's bottle of water and the cell phone which
belonged to his wife.
Roy walked on the bank of the stream with his friends in search of
his beloved wife and daughter. Going a bit further suddenly Roy was
shocked to see the bodies of his dearest wife and darling daughter
entangled in a bush on the bank of the river.
He could not believe his eyes and fainted seeing their bodies.
It did not take time for Roy to realise that his wife inspite of his
instructions had tried to cross the stream and became victims to the
gushing flood waters.
Meanwhile, with the assistance of his friends, Roy took the bodies
from the bush and brought them to the Badulla hospital. It was
unfortunate that Roy has been having a many plans for his studious
daughter and for his wife whom he loved. But "alas" fate decreed
otherwise and both of them were lost to him. |