Impeachment resolution against Chief Justice:
President to make final decision
The impeachment resolution passed by Parliament on
Friday to remove Chief Justice Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake was conveyed to
President Mahinda Rajapaksa on Friday night, Deputy Speaker Chandima
Weerakkoday told the Sunday Observer yesterday. He said he handed over
the resolution passed by Parliament on behalf of Speaker Chamal
Rajapaksa to the President on Friday night.
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University of Politics
Judges should conduct themselves in an exemplary manner
What a certain section of the judiciary, lawyers,
certain Opposition politicians and NGO activists conveniently forgot was
that the issue of Dr. Mrs. Bandaranayake had nothing to do with the
independence of the judiciary but a mere matter of her personal and
professional conduct that is unbecoming of a person holding the high
office of Chief Justice,
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National goals reign supreme - Minister Navin Dissanayake
Public Management Reforms Minister Navin Dissanayake
said that Parliament will go ahead with the impeachment against Chief
Justice Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake. The national goals and priorities of
both the Executive and the Legislature have to be kept in mind. When
there is an imbalance, it has to be corrected. This is not something new
to Sri Lanka. It has happened in India,
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