Impeachment resolution against Chief Justice:
President to make final decision
by Uditha Kumarasinghe
The impeachment resolution passed by Parliament on Friday to remove
Chief Justice Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake was conveyed to President
Mahinda Rajapaksa on Friday night, Deputy Speaker Chandima Weerakkoday
told the Sunday Observer yesterday.
He said he handed over the resolution passed by Parliament on behalf
of Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa to the President on Friday night. It is
entirely up to the President to take a final decision. Hence the
President has to make an announcement on the removal of Shirani
Bandaranayake from the office of Chief Justice.
In keeping with parliamentary procedure, the Speaker had informed the
President that an impeachment motion had been brought before the
incumbent Chief Justice and the Special Parliamentary Select Committee
(PSC) which investigated the charges had found the Chief Justice guilty
of three of the five charges that had been levelled.
The President was also informed that the PSC report had been duly
debated and passed in Parliament with a two-thirds majority and
recommended that Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake be removed from the office of
Chief Justice.
After a two-day debate, Parliament on Friday passed the impeachment
resolution to remove the Chief Justice with an overwhelming two-thirds