Women’s beauty and body image projected in media
Recently, I had the opportunity of watching a
documentary film titled Miss Representation. The film’s goal is to
encourage young people to think critically about how women are
represented in the media. Spliced in were interviews of scholars
pointing out the absurdity of these portrayals.
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The psychology of colours
The world is full of colours. Anyone who is not
colour blind will see white, red, orange, brown, yellow, gold,
turquoise, blue, indigo, black, grey, silver, purple and many of
their shades in everything nature has endowed with man. Colours are
so much a part of our life that the human body seems to be
intimately keyed to colours.
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Thorns on the Side
A tantalising prospect
Do you like to look at the sky at night and
wonder how far all those twinkling little stars are? They are indeed
hundreds of light years away, although a few are ‘just’ four or five
light years away. A light year being the distance that light travels
in a year at 300,000 Km per second, even Alpha Centauri, the nearest
star, lies at a distance we cannot comprehend.
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