Over 100 Language Training Centres to be set up
by Ananda Kannangara
The Public Administration Ministry will set up over 100 Language
Training Centres in all provinces this year to improve the Sinhala,
Tamil and English Language skills of over 1.4 million public servants.
It will be conducted by the Public Administration Ministry in
collaboration with the National Languages and Social Integration
Ministry, Divisional Secretariats and other local authorities. According
to Ministry reports, some Sinhala speaking public servants face
difficulties when attending to official matters with Tamils, while
Tamil-speaking pubic servants also face similar difficulties.
Public Administration Minister W.D.J. Seneviratne told the Sunday
Observer that public servants are bound to perform duties in any part of
the country and, therefore, learning all three languages is necessary
when handling official matters with people of all ethnic groups. He said
language is important in our culture. Learning languages will also help
build bridges of friendships among communities.
Minister Seneviratne said the public faces many difficulties when
they visit local authorities and Government offices since most public
servants communicate only in their mother tongue.
This problem could be resolved to a great extent by setting up
Language Training Centres in all provinces, he said.