Move forward together as one people
Much of the social and economic progress have
been achieved in the past 65 years. The signs are already boldly
written on every Sri Lankan in the sense of the many opportunities
that have been provided to enable him/her to live in better and much
improved conditions of living.
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Integrity lies beyond honesty
Everyone knew that Abraham Lincoln was a capable
lawyer, but he was very choosy when it came to accepting cases. One
day, Lincoln listened to a client for some considerable time and
then gazing abstractedly on the ceiling, he swung around his chair
and told him, “Well, you have a pretty good case in technical law,
but a pretty bad one in equity and justice.
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Thorns on the Side
Long live the telegram
The telegram is dead. Long live the telegram.
Indeed, reports on the death of the telegram seem to have been
greatly exaggerated. According to a report in our sister paper the
Daily News, Posts Minister Jeevan Kumaratunga has assured that there
are no plans to scrap the service at the moment despite the
availability of more modern means of communication.
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