Caring for a pet makes you happier, healthier
Has anybody told you that pets can help humans
heal emotionally, physically and mentally? Yes, it is a
scientifically proven fact. While most pet owners are clear about
the immediate joys that come with sharing their lives with companion
animals, many remain unaware of the physical and mental health
benefits that can also accompany the pleasure of playing with or
snuggling up to an animal friend.
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Of essays and essayists
The essay is a literary form revived during the
Renaissance. It was hardly practised by the Greeks and Romans. The
form began apparently with the simple purpose of putting
philosophical ideas and moral dicta into prose to hold the reader’s
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Thorns on the Side
The rising oceans
As islanders, we should be worried about climate
change. There is one aspect of climate change that we should be
concerned about most: the rise in sea levels. The sea is likely to
engulf at least certain parts of the world’s islands in the long
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