Tamil lasses add colour to Sri Lanka Army
Pradeepa Murugapillai is smart in her army
uniform. The black pottu on her forehead gives her a conservative
look despite her wearing the knee length tight skirt and black
military shoes. The 21-year-old girl, with only an education upto
Ordinary Level and a low paid factory worker earlier, is now a
professional soldier of the Sri Lanka Army (SLA).
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'We have an obligation to serve the people'
The media was nothing new to the newly appointed
Army Commander, as a past military spokesman, having faced the media
during crucial times, Lt. Gen. Daya Rathnayake had very little to
worry about his comments to the media. Serving the Army for 33 years
he is 'armoured' enough with experience to answer questions.
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Sunday Crime
A love life gone awry
Malkanthi was a comely village lass. Her
doe-shaped eyes and pink rosy cheeks would attract any man and the
village men were no exception. She was married to Sumanasena who was
also from her own village. She built her marital home with
Sumanasena who was a carpenter and they subsequently had three
lovely children.
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