People's Leasing and Finance embarks on organic farming project
People's Leasing and Finance PLC (PLC) is embarking on a venture to
change the public's view on food and to promote organic farming among
the farming community.
The project will help farmers supplement their income through organic
home gardens, to eventually convert their main farms to produce organic
Recently, selected farmers from Avissawella and Kalutara were
initiated in organic and home gardening at the Dilmah Conservation
Sustainable Agriculture Research Centre (DCSARC) in Moratuwa, with the
support of People's Leasing and Finance PLC.
Senior Manager, Risk Management and Control, Andy Ratnayake, Asst.
Branch Manager, Avissawella, Iresh Dissanayake and Ranga Hewavithana of
Badureliya branch, accompanied the 17 farmers.
An expert in organic farming Sarathchandra Fernando and manager of
DCSARC, Buddhika Jayalath conducted the tour of the model farm.
The tour covered areas from non-chemical fertilisers, such as
vermicompost created by the secretions of earth worms; natural
pollination and insect repellents in the form of bees, birds and other
insects; to various planting methods to maximise the efficient use of
available land.
Literature was also provided to the participants. A question and
answer session was held after the tour. Finally, seeds were presented to
the visitors by the DCSARC.
PLC will support the selected farmers to set up their own home
gardens, guided by experts and monitored throughout, to eventually
extend the project to their main plots and to other districts under
PLC's reach. This project was facilitated by the Sri Lanka Business and
Biodiversity Platform, a joint venture of the Ceylon Chamber of
Commerce, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Dilmah
Conservation. |