Rising against all odds
An odd flower bloomed
Leaning its crown against the rails
A fragile shape loomed
Cascading my feelings as it wails
Are you coming on foot
Or by train?
Which way would you root
Just say without any strain?
Will you enjoy the fragrance I spread
Caressing gently, preserving me within you?
Or will you squeeze me as you tread,
Plucking and crushing me with your shoes?
A myriad hopes glisten within me
As dreading the things I fear
A unique feeling inflated by glee,
Not daring to predict what I might hear
Shallow is the way, I have stepped in
Appearing to deceive by its tender look
A rare choice above all my kith and kin,
Still for it does my heart hook
Narrow does it seem to the perturbed eyes
Because the sediment is so deep and high:
But from the depth do I ferociously rise
Saturated and aiming above the sky
- Hasha Huzair