Eating fish boosts heart health in young women
31 Aug TTV
Women of childbearing age can reduce their risk of heart problems by
regularly eating fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids, said a Danish study.
The study is the first to examine younger women, age 15-49, and
determine whether fish in their diet has a real impact on their current
likelihood of heart problems, instead of their longevity.
For instance, “those who rarely or never ate fish had 50 percent more
cardiovascular problems over eight years than those who ate fish
regularly,” the research said.Women who rarely or never ate fish faced a
90 percent higher risk of heart problems than those who ate fish weekly.
When researchers looked at hospital admissions for cardiovascular
disease in three different assessments over a 30 week period, they found
it was three times higher among women who did not eat fish.The findings,
published in Hypertension: Journal of the American Heart Association,
are based on a Danish study of 49,000 women with a median age of 30 that
spanned eight years. Women were interviewed by phone about their family
history, lifestyle and fish consumption, and were tracked over the next
eight years.
“We saw a strong association with cardiovascular disease in the women
who were still in their late 30s,” said Marin Strom, lead researcher and
post doctoral fellow at the Centre for Fetal Programming at Statens
Serum Institut in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The biggest challenge in getting health messages like this across to
younger populations is that usually the benefits may not be evident for
30 or 40 years, but our study shows this is not the case.”Women most
commonly reported eating cod, salmon, herring, and mackerel, all of
which are high in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, believed to
protect against heart and vascular disease.
The study focused exclusively on dietary intake of fish, not
supplements with fish oil.“Women who eat fish should find the results
encouraging, but it is important to emphasize that to obtain the
greatest benefit from fish and fish oils, women should follow the
dietary recommendations to eat fish as a main meal at least twice a
week,” said Strom.