Unemployment rate higher among women
The unemployment rate for the second quarter of 2013 was reported at
4.4 percent according to the latest statistics released by the
Department of Census and Statistics.

The report said that when sampling error is considered there is no
statistically significant drop of unemployment rates reported over a
one-year period from the second quarter 2012.The number of unemployed
people was estimated at about 390,975 during the second quarter 2013.
General characteristics of unemployment in Sri Lanka remained
unchanged during the period under review and unemployment among women
and educated youth is higher.
Overall unemployment rate for females was 6.9 percent and it was 3.1
percent for males. Youth unemployment rate (15--24 years) reported
during the period was 20.1 percent and it is the highest unemployment
rate recorded among age groups.
According to gender classification, the unemployment rate among this
age group was 15.0 among males and 27.8 percent among females. The
survey results revealed that unemployment was severe among females
compared to males in all age groups. According to the level of
education, the highest unemployment rate was among people with GCE (A/L)
qualifications - 10.2 percent. According to gender classification, the
rates were 6.8 percent and 14.0 percent for males and females.
This shows that the problem of unemployment is more acute in the case
of educated females compared to educated males.The estimated
economically active population was about 8.87 million in the period
under review of which 65.0 percent were male and 35.0 percent were
female. The number of employed people in Sri Lanka was estimated at
about 8.5 million of which, about 42.4 percent are engaged in the
services sector, 31.5 percent in agriculture, and 26.2 percent in
industry. |