Demand for aloe vera drink on the rise
A drink prepared using the jelly-like substance found in the aloe
vera plant was introduced to the market three years ago by Bio Care of
Kaludawala, Panadura.
The drink was initially sold in and around Colombo.
The company in a media release said consumers who have taken this
drink for constipation, body and stomach pains have found relief.
"People who have been constantly exposed to sunlight and those who
venture into the sea find immense relief from thirst by consuming this
drink. New scientific research has confirmed the medicinal value of aloe
vera. It accelerate the restoration of cells damaged by gastritis in the
inner wall of the stomach," a company spokesman said.
AloeVera is a medicinal plant grown in all parts of the country.
"Bio Care is the first and only company to get Government
registration for the aloe vera drink. The company has also obtained
certification from the Medical Research Institute," he said. |