Dear children,
October is a special month from the point of view of days designated
for various issues affecting people. Teachers' Day which is celebrated
on October 5, the world over and in our country it is celebrated on
October 6.Then there was World Animal Day on October 4 and World Habitat
Day was on October 7. The UN has designated the first Monday in October
as World Habitat Day.
Children remember that these days are designated to create awareness
and to lay emphasis on the deteriorating situation in the world.
Children take note and continue to play an important role in respecting
your teachers and be aware of the damage caused to the environment so
that with your effort the damage can be alleviated.
This month is also special to children in Sri Lanka because results
of the scholarship examination were released. Some children have done
extremely well while others have not done well, but don't despair,
continue your studies and you will succeed. To those of you who have
done well our good wishes are with you. We have details of the winners
on page 14.
Bye for now,
Aunty Merle. |