No medical facilities in Thihagoda
by P.P.G.Sugathadasa - Thihagoda group cor.
The want of a government hospital in the Thihagoda Divisional
Secretariat Division has been a great drawback to residents of the area.
According to residents even for a minor ailment they have to go to
Matara General Hospital or the Kamburupitiya Base Hospital for medical
treatment covering a distance of over 10 to 12 kilometres.
Two state dispensaries are currently functioning at Naimbala and
Yatiyana in the area of the Thihagoda Divisional Secretariat. But
clinical facilities and valuable drugs are hardly available in them
patients lament.
They have to buy these medicines at excessive rates from private
pharmacies as there is not even a retail outlet of the State
Pharmaceutical Corporation in the Thihagoda DS Division.
These matters have already been brought to the attention of the
authorities responsible. But no positive action has yet been taken in
this regard people said. |