Poaching leads to extinction of rare species
by S.M. Wijayaratne, Kurunegala Cor.
Poachers slaughter rare species of wild animals and wild birds in
forest reserves secretly and flesh of those animals is sold to tourist
hotels in the vicinity to earn much money.
These poachers hunt jungle fowls too and sell a kilo of their meat at
Rs. 1000 to tourist hotels. President of Indegenous Forests Protectors'
Association Athik Nazeer told that jungle fowl is our national bird and
this bird will disappear soon from our country if measures are not taken
by authorities concerned to protect it from merciless poachers who are
active at night.
He said that this jungle fowl is now faced with extinction due to
frequent hunting by poachers to satisfy the taste of tourists who are
ready to pay much for the meat that they get for their meals.