Wedding Sam's goons on the rampage
Wedding Sam, in a desperate bid to secure his political future, got
his goons to attack the protest march of the Green reformists. After his
collusion in the Matara attack was exposed, Sam was obliged to admit
that his supporters were compelled to retaliate after being attacked
first. But the video footage clearly shows that it was Sam's henchmen
who had attacked the peaceful protest.
Love-Slave yearns to be a better dictator
Saa-jeet, the Love-Slave has told a close confidant that he could
exploit the extensive power enjoyed by the party leader. "JR was quite
powerful at that time but when my father got the party leadership, he
silenced even JR. It's only a matter of time until I become the leader
and then I will get rid of all the old hands and strengthen my grip,"
Love-Slave had told his old schoolmate.
Soo-me shuns calls to quit
Soo-me, the One-Sa is also under intense pressure to step down from
the party leadership. But unlike the Greens, the Bell Boys don't wash
their dirty linen in public. Soo-me has agreed to change the party
leadership, provided a longer transition period is given to groom a
future leader. Soo-me has diverted attention as they now battle over a
deputy leader which would be known only to their politburo.
Two more Green Em Pees to cross over
Two more Green Em Pees, including the party's official mouth-piece,
have indicated their willingness to join the governing ranks during next
month"s Bud-Jet debate. But they have been put on hold, perhaps for
another Kind-Siri act - to field them as frontrunners when the PC polls
for the South and Western are announced. |