The Kingdom of Ketumati and Maitreya Buddha
by Premasara Epasinghe
At the conclusion of some Buddhist ceremonies, such as an all-night
Pirith ceremony or an alms-giving, a leading Bhikkhu in his own
inimitable style recites a lengthy stanza, to bestow merit to the
"Ada Me Reskeraganna Punya Sambaraya Hetukotagena, Matu Upadinatakkal,
Sansarayedi Sassarauthpattiyakata Nopemina, Matuanagathathedi Ketumati
Rajadaniye Pahalavi, Vadarannau Maitriya Budurajanan Vahansege Madura
Manohara Saddharmaskandaya Ekema Dharamamandapayakadi Esimata Hetu
Wasanawewai Sita Chittakprithiyen Yukthawa Punyanumodhanviya Utu.
With the meritorious deeds performed today, may you never enter the
pathetic states of hell in your journey, today.
May you be fortunate and blessed to listen to the melodious, sweet,
Enchanting voice of the Maitreya Buddha in the future, who will be
born in the Ketumati Kingdom. Due to this merit may you listen to his
There are three kinds of Samma Sambuddhas (All-knowing Wise Ones)
They are identified as Pragnadika (Wisdom), Sardhadika (pious
virtuous) and Veeryadika (strive hard).The future Buddha - Maitreya,
belongs to Veeryadhika.
According to the Buddhist literature, the square area of the Kingdom
of Ketumati, where the future Buddha will be born is 21,504 sq miles in
In length the Ketumati Kingdom is 12 yojanas. The breadth is seven
yodunas. One Yoduna is equivelent to 16 miles.
The Kingdom of Ketumati will be very prosperous. The citizens will be
healthy and rich.
The kingdom consists of massive palaces and sky-scrapers. The kings
in the Ketumati Kingdom are pious and they follow the "Dasarajadharma"
(ten rules of righteous living). The people are compassionate, and
They follow the Noble Five Precepts to the letter. There are large
farmlands which provide bountiful harvest. There is peace and prosperity
everywhere. The Kingdom of Ketumati can be considered a heavenly abode
on the Earth.
The Samma Sambuddha will be born once in a Kalpa (aeon). According to
Buddhist literature, Kalpa - is an inconceivably long period of time.
The Kalpa is divided into four parts.
They are the period of dissolution, chaos; formation and
constitution. According to the conventional reckoning, a small Kalpa
would be equivalent to 16.8 million years and a large Kalpa 1,347
It is believed that "Kalpa Buddhas" appear in the following manner.
They are known as Sara Kalpa, Manda Kalpa, Vara Kalpa, Saramandala Kalpa
and Mahabhadra Kalpa.
In a Sara Kalpa only one Buddha will appear. In Manda Kalpa two
Buddhas will appear. In Vara Kalpa, there will be three. In
Sara Mandala and Mahabhadra Kalpa there will appear four and five
Buddhas respectively.
A Bodhisatva predicted to succeed Sakyamuni Gautama Buddha is known
as Maitreya Buddha.
In Mahayana literature he is known as Ajita, meaning invincible. He
is said to have been re-born in Tusitha heaven where, he is now
expounding the Dhamma to the heavenly beings.
It is said that he will re-appear in the world several billion of
years, after the passing away of Sakyamuni Gautama Buddha and attained
Sammasambuddatvaya as Maitreya Buddha. Mahayanins call him the Miroku
The future Buddha Maitreya will be born in the Kingdom of Ketumati.
His mother will be Brahamawathi. Emperor Sanka's Purohita Brahamana
will be a powerful minister without portfolio and Subbarahma will be the
Maitreya Buddha's chief disciples will be Asoka and Bramadeva. The
Bhikkhu Siha will be the Dharmabandagarika and attendant.
In the Order of Bhikkuni Sasana, the two chief disciples will be
Paduma and Sumana.
Maitreya will attain the Buddhahood at the foot of Na Tree (Mesua-Serrea).
Theravada Buddhists wish to achieve their "Deathless state or the
bliss of Nibbana at the foot of Maitreya Buddha at the end of their
endless Samsaric journey. |