Compensation for
British colonial crimes:
International tribunal necessary
by Shenali Waduge
President Mahinda Rajapaksa took over as Chairperson-in-Office of the
Commonwealth of Nations at the 2013 CHOGM held in Colombo last November.
He presides over 53 nations with an estimated population of 2.245
billion covering a landmass of more than 29,958,050 square kilometres
(11,566,870 square miles) – a third of the world population.
are some pertinent questions that the Chair of the Commonwealth of
Nations may like to consider answering:
* What can the Chair of the CHOGM do about British Prime Ministers
calling for international investigations against sovereign countries
when Britain continues to dodge apologising or compensating for its war
crimes and genocide committed in the nations it invaded and occupied for
several centuries?
* What type of shared ‘culture’ and ‘heritage’ is the Commonwealth
actually promoting when the British imperial policy during colonial rule
was to completely destroy and annihilate the indigenous culture and
heritage and the rationale for the introduction of English education was
to create a class of people who in the words of Lord Macaulay, contained
in his Minutes on Education “may be interpreters between us and the
millions whom we govern; a class of persons, Indian in blood and colour,
but English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect”.
In other words, a class of craven natives submissive at all times to
the British Raj, lacking national pride and patriotism, and sense of
self worth and eternally dreaming of being accepted by the white man.
How many sovereign nations desire to continue as clones of Great
Britain’s white supremacist ideology?
Value system
* As Chair, what is the assurance of ‘racial equality’ by Britain
towards fellow Commonwealth nations when the UN special envoy has
herself declared Britain as being ruled by ‘sexist culture’?
* As Chair, what policy initiatives can be taken to realise the
declared objectives of the Commonwealth: Democracy, Economics,
Education, Gender, Governance, Human Rights, Law, Small States, Sport,
Sustainability, and Youth and on whose terms these objectives are set –
Is it the values of Great Britain or do the Commonwealth of Nations
offer a shared value system that encompasses the values of the East that
had been flushed out by the British occupational rule? If Eastern values
are not taken to account or accommodated adequately who can raise
objections before the Commonwealth?
* Commonwealth Shared Culture – Is this not a great opportunity for
President Rajapaksa to propose that the ancient cultures, value systems
and ancient legal systems of the former British colonies be revived so
that the world would see in its true sense the civilisational merits of
the East (without only looking at the world from the lens of the West)
* The Commonwealth has a War Graves Commission. The CWGC is
responsible for maintaining war graves of 1.7million service personnel
that died in the First and Second World Wars fighting for the British
Empire and succeeded the Imperial War Graves Commission set up in 1917.
There are 2,500 war cemeteries. As Chair, should President Rajapaksa
not insist that the service personnel of national armies should be
included in a Commonwealth War Memorial especially those who fought
heroic battles and fell to save Commonwealth countries e.g. Sri Lanka,
from the brutal menace of terrorism? Should similar memorials not be set
up for all the fallen heroes that fought for freedom and independence of
their countries from colonial yoke e.g. members of the Indian National
Army under Subhas Chandra Bose, not receive similar status as the
British Imperial Army?
National heroes
* Is this not a great opportunity for the Sri Lankan President as
Head of CHOGM to propose a National Heroes Museum under the auspices of
the Commonwealth so that all the national heroes of the Commonwealth
Nations gain international recognition and their heroism displayed for
all to see.
* Under the Commonwealth of Learning program should President
Rajapaksa not take a lead in insisting that the indigenous history,
culture and achievements of the Asian, African and Latin American
countries that were ruled by UK be included in the school curriculum
fulfilling the objective of shared learning?
* Commonwealth Symbols – Is it also not opportune for President
Rajapaksa as Chair to propose an exchange program to ensure indigenous
languages are protected.
* Question Britain and Hold Britain Accountable – As Head of CHOGM,
President Rajapaksa must also lead the way by enabling Sri Lanka and
other members of the Commonwealth to question Britain’s contemporary
involvements that include: British war crimes committed in Iraq,
Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Libya and champion the case of the
Chagossians of Diego Garcia, a case that deserves world attention and
Britain requiring to take accountability.
Also question British policies on the commonwealth nations themselves
at political and economic levels and the treatment of the citizens of
the Commonwealth nations by Britain.
As Chair of CHOGM, President Rajapaksa must take steps to ensure that
he is on the right side of history. President Rajapaksa is well placed
to create history by taking the lead in drawing attention to the crimes
that Britain has committed over 250 years of colonial rule in many parts
of the world.
Within his tenure as Head, President Rajapaksa must take the side of
the oppressed and use his position to champion their cause and the world
will follow him.
Instead of being at the receiving end of an Inquisition at UNHRC he
can turn the circus around by asking the very nations that are bellowing
for his neck to subject themselves to a process of accountability and
catharsis and come clean on horrendous crimes committed in the past
under deceptive jingles and catchphrases such as ‘white man’s burden’
and ‘civilizing the heathens’.
The oppressed of former British colonies are entitled to an apology
and reparations. If Israel can put a price tag on atrocities committed
in the past there is no reason why former colonies should be denied this
An International Claims Tribunal must be established without delay to
inquire into crimes against humanity committed by Britain and other
European nations in their colonies during the last 500 years with a
mandate within a limited time frame to spell out recommendations on
payment of adequate compensation and other relief measures. This measure
is long overdue.
President Rajapaksa will enter history books if he were to take a
stand on behalf of all the oppressed nations that were once victim of
cruel and inhuman British colonial rule and demand on their behalf
apology, compensation and justice for the victims.If President Rajapaksa
decides to belong to the right side of history he will stake his claim
to be placed alongside other heroes of the oppressed world such as
Patrice Lumumba, Kwame Nkrumah, Ho Chi Minh, Sukarno, Aung San, Nethaji
Subhas Chandra Bose, Mao Tse Tung and our own Sri Lankan national hero
Anagarika Dharmapala. |