Live happily with a gracious heart
Two days before the Sinhala and Tamil New Year,
I met Janaki. Last time when I saw her it was somewhere in late ’80s
just before she migrated to United States with her husband and
children. Although very much younger than me, she was one of my
office colleagues in 80s.
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Plato avenges Socrates’s death
Unknown to most of us Plato is actually the
nickname of Aristocles. He was the son of the oldest and most elite
Athenian families. Through his mother’s family he was related to
Solon, the celebrated lawgiver. Even his father’s family had links
with ancient kings of Athens. As a young man he studied music,
logic, mathematics and poetry. He made his mark as a wrestler and
served in the army. His name ‘Aristocles’ meant “best, most
renowned.” His nickname “Plato” meant “broad or wide.” In fact, he
had wide shoulders and a wide forehead.
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In the face of trade regulations :
Tobacco companies use 19th century tactic
Today the global tobacco epidemic is exhibiting
a similar trend. According to the World Health Institute, “nearly
80% of the world's one billion smokers live in low- and
middle-income countries.” Multinational corporations are seeking
their own Treaty of Nanjing: they are using free trade agreements to
usurp national sovereignty and stymy economic development. Tobacco
kills six million people each year, and if current trends continue,
it will kill one billion people in the twenty-first century.
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