The Resurrection:
Mary Magdalene’s joy knew no bounds
The sinner that Jesus absolved her of all her
sins and whose immediate repentance bonded her to Him, Mary
Magdalene the women who ever after trailed behind Jesus up to the
last moment he breathed his last on the cross, was the woman who
loved Jesus spiritually among all those who were with him
throughout... was so overjoyed as her Redeemer appeared to her after
the Ascension. All the fear, anguish and sorrow she carried in her
heart for three days vanished the moment she saw the Lord in all his
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Girimananda Sutta wards off evil, brings in good luck
The great book of protection, known as the Maha
Pirith Pothvahanse is recited at temples and houses to ward off evil
and bring in good luck. The entire book of protection is divided
into four sections, Bhanavaras or recitals. The first Bhanavara ends
with Dhajagga Sutta, second with Isigilisutta, the third and fourth
with the first part and the second part of Atanatiya Sutta,
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Hallyu wave :
‘The Korean Wave’ catches on
Hallyu Wave or “The Korean Wave”, literally
means today’s most trending “South Korean Culture” which was
officially recognised in the late 1990s. The Korean War which
affected Korean Culture ended in 1953 as Korea signed “The Korean
Armistice Agreement”. Since then the Korean economy commenced its
rapid growth. This was named “Miracle on the Han River.”
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