The Risen Lord appears to Mary Magdalene who weeps at the
empty tomb |
The Resurrection:
Mary Magdalene’s joy knew no bounds
by Gwen Herat
The sinner that Jesus absolved her of all her sins and whose
immediate repentance bonded her to Him, Mary Magdalene the women who
ever after trailed behind Jesus up to the last moment he breathed his
last on the cross, was the woman who loved Jesus spiritually among all
those who were with him throughout... was so overjoyed as her Redeemer
appeared to her after the Ascension. All the fear, anguish and sorrow
she carried in her heart for three days vanished the moment she saw the
Lord in all his radiance.
And when Jesus breathed his last earlier, (Mathew - 27) there were
many women there, looking on from a distance who had followed Jesus from
Galilee and helped him. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother
of James and Joseph, and the wife of Zebedee.
When it was evening, the rich man from Arimathea arrived and his name
was Joseph and he also was a disciple of Jesus. He went into the
presence of Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus.
Pilate gave orders for the body to be given to Joseph. So, Joseph
took it, wrapped it in a new linen sheet and placed it in his own tomb
which he had just recently dug out of solid rack. Then he rolled a large
stone across the entrance to the tomb and went away. Mary Magdalene and
the other Mary were there sitting facing the tomb...
The stone
After the Sabbath as Sunday morning was dawning, Mary Magdalene and
the other Mary went to look at the tomb. Suddenly there was a violent
earthquake, an angel of the Lord came down from heaven, rolled the stone
away and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning and his clothes
were as white as snow. The guards were so afraid that they trembled and
became like dead men.
The angel spoke to the women. ‘You must not be afraid’ he said ‘I
know you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here. He has
been raised. Come and see the place where he was lying. Go quickly and
tell his disciples he has been raised from death.
Mary Magdalene, filled with joy and ran and suddenly Jesus met her
and the other Mary. ‘Peace be with you’ he said.
A little earlier, Mary Magdalene was by the tomb and the one who was
sitting at tomb asked her ‘Woman, why are you weeping'?
‘They have taken my Lord away,’ she answers. Then she turns around to
see someone who repeats the question. Imagining the person to be the
caretaker of the garden around the tomb, she said to him that he had
carried away the body.
But there was no one and suddenly she heard someone say ‘Mary'.
Immediately she knew it was Jesus by the familiar way he spoke and
responded, ‘Rab-bo-nil’ (meaning Teacher) and with unbounded joy, grabs
hold of him, but Jesus said, ‘Stop clinging to me. For I have not yet
ascended to my Father.

Overcoming death and rising to a new life |
‘But be on your way to my brothers and say to them, I am ascending to
my Father and your Father and to my God and to your God'.
That’s when Mary runs off to meet the disciples. And there were
further appearances.
‘Thou art gone up on high,
To mansions in the skies:
And round Thy Throne unceasingly
The songs of praise arise.
But we are ingerise here
With sin and care oppress'd..
Jesus appears
Though Mary Magdalene is exuberant after seeing Jesus and disciples
not yet, they were downhearted and still unable to comprehend the
significance of the empty tomb, refused to believe the women who had
found the tomb empty. Cleopas whose wife Mary too was at the foot of the
cross when Jesus died, left for Jerusalem with a disciple for Emmaus
which was about seven miles away.
While on their way as they discussed about the days happenings, a
stranger joined them and wanted to know what they were discussing. They
stop by with downcast faces. Surprised Cleopas asks the stranger whether
he was a stranger in Jerusalem that he did not know the things
concerning Jesus.
By the time they reached Jerusalem, they realised that the Lord has
been raised and was making his fifth appearance. Jesus speaks to them
and Thomas who was not there, maintains he will not believe until he
sees the Lord himself and look into the prints in his hands left by
nails and stick his fingers into the prints.

The stone rolled to a side after the Resurrection |
When eight days later the disciples meet again behind closed doors,
Thomas is with them. Jesus once more stands in their midst and says,
‘May you have peace’ and turning to Thomas, he invites him, ‘Put your
finger here and see my hands, and take your hand and stick it into my
side and stop being unbelieving.’ At once Thomas repents and says, ‘My
Lord and my God'.
‘Because you have seen me have you believed?’ Jesus asks, ‘Happy are
those who do not see and yet believe’ (Luke 24, 13-48)
Final appearance
Jesus shows himself alive to his disciples for 40 days following his
resurrection. He instructs all about the Kingdom of God and that God has
given him the authority in heaven and on earth. He makes arrangements
for all his 11 disciples to meet him at a mountain in Galilee.
Others are also informed about this gathering and they total over 500
people. It is here that Jesus appears and starts teaching them. The
apostles in Galilee are instructed to return to Jerusalem. They are
asked not to withdraw from Jerusalem but keep waiting for what the
Father has promised about which you hear from me. Later Jesus leads his
apostles out of the city as far as Bethany which is located in the
eastern slope of Mount Olives.
While they are looking on, Jesus begins to rise heavenwards and a
cloud obscure him from their sight. After dematerialising his body, he
ascends into heaven and will come in the same manner as promised. |