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Sunday, 20 April 2014





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Girimananda Sutta wards off evil, brings in good luck

The great book of protection, known as the Maha Pirith Pothvahanse is recited at temples and houses to ward off evil and bring in good luck. The entire book of protection is divided into four sections, Bhanavaras or recitals. The first Bhanavara ends with Dhajagga Sutta, second with Isigilisutta, the third and fourth with the first part and the second part of Atanatiya Sutta, respectively.

The book of protection is completely culled from the Suttajitaka of the Buddhist scripture. The Sutta Pitaka, is divided into five Nikayas, Digha, Majjhima, Samyutta, Anguttara and Khuddaka.

Soothing balm

There is a belief that Dhamma cures all ills. According to research conducted by medical men, reciting or listening to Pirith provides a therapeutic relief to the mind of the patients and it is a soothing balm to the sick mind. Even during the era of the Buddha three Pirith Suttas, 17, 18 and 19, Bojjhangas, Mahamossapa, Pattherabojjanga - Mahamoggallantherabojjanga and Mahacundthera - Bojjanaga were recited. Out of these three, the last one if different. This was chanted when the Buddha was ill to shower the blessings of health on him. The concentration on the Bojjangas were considered a cure.

Girimananda Thera

The Girimananda Sutta helped Ven. Girimananda Thera recover from his severe illness.

Once upon a time, when the Buddha was living in Savatti, at Jeta's Gorve, in Anathapindike Park, Giribananda Thera fell grievously ill.

The Buddha's attendant Dharmabandagarika Ananda Thera, informed Girimenanda Thera's sickness to the Buddha and to shower his compassion on him.

Ten perceptions

The Buddha advised Ven. Ananda, to speak about the ten perceptions and to concentrate on them so that Ginmananda Thera would be cured completely.

Perception is the ability to see, hear or understand, or quality of understanding or seeing insight.

The sutta begins with the perception of impermanence (Anicca) followed with the absence of soul or the self - Anattasanna.

Then, there is the perception of impurity the perception of destruction of passion, the perception of dispassion, the perception of cessation, the perception of non-delight in the world, the impermanence in continents, (Sankaharas), mindfulness of in-breathing and out-breathing.

The Buddha in analysing the Girimananda Sutta said the ailing Bhikkhu should consider form, sensation, perception, mental commitment, and consciousness. All these consist of five aggregates of grasping are all impermanence.

He laid special stress on perception of absence of the soul. He said eye, form, ear, sounds (noise), nose (smelling) tongue, feelings, mind (thought) are all devoid of soul.


Further, the Buddha in explaining perception of impurities said the entire human body including nails, teeth, skin, flesh, sinews, bones, marrows, kidneys, heart, liver, phlegm, blood, sweat, fat, tears, saliva, mucus of the nose and urine are sources of impurity.

In describing the life's impermanence the Buddha discussed the perception of danger.

Here in, he explained the many illnesses that effect your body and later the perception of destructions and dispositions, cessations, perception of non-delight in the world.

Value of meditation

Further, the Buddha in the Girimananda Sutta, stressed the value and importance of Anapanasati Bhavana.

In conclusion, the Buddha advised Ananda Thera to meet the ailing Bhikkhu Girimananda Thera, and utter these ten perceptions. Accordingly, Ananda acted and Girimananda Thera was cured.

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