Children should be at the heart of future cities
“Get these cars out of the way, we want to play!” a child chants
through a loudhailer, as he and his young comrades march down a street
in the Pijp area of Amsterdam. This remarkable scene comes from a 1972
documentary, which follows a group of inner-city Dutch children as they
attempt to turn a busy through-road outside their homes into a play
street. Adults in the area are both supportive and dismissive of the
children’s plans. “All these cars are unbearable”, says one small boy,
in an effort to explain their actions. “There is no space left.
Thousands die in accidents and air pollution increases. Everything is
devoted to parking. Why don’t we all ride bicycles?”

Boys play football on the streets of Tarlabasi, a relatively
poor section of the city of Istanbul located just a few hundred
yards from an affluent district. |
It’s a lament that many children could still voice today.
Their need for space, for the freedom to play and socialise within
their local environment, is often overlooked or ignored by city
planners. Parental fears about their safety - both legitimate and
exaggerated - can also lead to them spending the majority of their time
indoors, unable to explore independently and develop the skills that
will help them become healthy, well-adjusted members of society.
Instead, many children are spending up to eight hours a day staring
at a screen, according to some studies. To prevent this from happening,
and ensure that safe, healthy and well-educated children are a key part
of urban governance, UNICEF launched its Child Friendly Cities
Initiative in 1996. However, as its report ‘The State of the World’s
Children 2012: Children in an Urban World’ highlights, almost 20 years
on, city planning still doesn’t take enough account of children’s needs.
A number of other projects, such as the EU’s Cities for Children, also
aim to highlight best practice and guide local government towards
child-friendly urban planning. The focus on cities makes sense: every
year the world’s urban population increases by about 60 million, and by
2050 around 70% of people will live in cities and towns.
Cities, in other words, are the frontline in the war against
childhood poverty, disease and restricted opportunity. Crucially, a
child-friendly city doesn’t just benefit the youngest inhabitants. As
Enrique Peñalosa, former mayor of Bogotá, Columbia, has said: “Children
are a kind of indicator species. If we can build a successful city for
children, we will have a successful city for all people.” Consider, say,
the benefits of Peñalosa’s own efforts to transform Bogotá: while in
office he helped create over 186 miles of bikeways, 1,200 new parks and
playgrounds and the Bus Rapid Transit system that carries half a million
passengers a day. It’s now a safer, cleaner, greener city for children
and adults alike. As UNICEF director Anthony Lake has rightly said, it’s
also important to remember that “when society fails to extend to urban
children the services and protection that would enable them to develop
as productive and creative individuals, it loses the social, cultural
and economic contributions they could have made”.
In the West, the development of child-friendly cities tends to focus
on the creation of parks and green spaces, safe and easily navigable
streets, well-proportioned family homes and improved child services. But
in the developing world, where one-in-three city dwellers live in
overcrowded, polluted and unhygienic slum conditions, children’s lives
can be vastly improved by access to health, sanitation and education
services. Nevertheless, Kerry Constabile, an urban planning specialist
at UNICEF, makes the point that cities also have much in common,
regardless of where they are in the world. “In terms of child survival
rates, it’s usually not about what city you live in, but where in the
city you live.”
In the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, for example, 57% of children
live in poverty – a greater proportion than in any other borough in
England. The £7 million regeneration of the Borough’s Brownfield Estate
is part of a wider plan to improve life for people in the area. It was
recently commended in a survey by the Royal Institute of British
Architects (RIBA), and illustrates how both children and adults can
benefit from child-friendly planning. The mostused routes on the estate
have been turned into ‘green grids’, lined with grass and trees. The
parking system has been revamped to make the streets easier for
pedestrians of all ages to navigate. And several new play areas have
been created, including a courtyard where children can play informally
and mingle with other members of the community. This last element - a
traffic-free square or courtyard at the heart of a village-type
neighbourhood – is a crucial part of any child-friendly environment,
according to Suzanne Crowhurst Lennard, Founder and Director of the
International Making Cities Livable Conferences, and a consultant to
cities in the US and Europe on child-friendly communities and public
space design. “There are three things that children need in their normal
everyday world”, she says: “face-to-face social interaction with a
community of all ages; direct interaction with nature; and the chance to
develop independence at every age.” Pedestrian-friendly streets,
protected bike routes and good public transport links make it easier for
children (and the elderly) to get around independently. Street trees, as
well as neighbourhood parks and gardens within a ten-minute walk of
where children live, are also vital for their development, and have the
added benefit of improving urban air quality. Ideally, outdoor spaces
should include a rich variety of natural features, such as streams,
ponds and climbable trees.
- GreenFutures