South Korean Ship disaster that shocked the world
The captain of the South Korean ferry which capsized on Wednesday has
been arrested after he was pictured abandoning ship in a disaster which
has left at least 29 passengers dead and hundreds missing.
Lee Joon-seok, 68, was in charge of the ferry, which was carrying 475
passengers when it turned sharply and later sank. There have been 28
confirmed deaths in the wake of the disaster, while some 273 remain
However, as a damning new photograph shows, Lee was among the first
to leave the ship. He can be seen dangling from a rope as he is helped
onto a rescue boat while the ferry is still above water.
Prosecutors confirmed they had asked a South Korean court for his
arrest, along with that of two other crew members. He was later pictured
being restrained outside a court in Mokpo, south of Seoul.
It has since been claimed that he was not actually steering the ship
during the disaster, having left the job to his third-in-command.
According to Korean prosecutor Park Jae-Eok, there is a chance that
Lee wasn't in control of the vessel at that point.
He told Sky News: “He may have been off the bridge... and the person
at the helm at the time was the third officer... The captain was not in
command when the accident took place.”
Coast guard officials say divers have begun pumping air into a
submerged South Korean ship 48 hours after it listed and sank. But it
wasn't immediately clear if the air was for survivors or for a salvage
operation. There were fears that it may be too late. Officials say 29
have confirmed dead as of Friday.
Boy pulled out from boat
Jo Yo-sep, an eight-year-old boy from a different family, was also
pulled from the boat and separated from his family.
The young boy was trying to find his family as the ship was sinking
but was picked up by 55-year-old passenger Kim Byung-kyu, who found the
child after he fell on the floor when the boat fell on its side.
Meanwhile, the vice-principal of the high school whose pupils died
has committed suicide by hanging himself outside a large gym where
families of the victims were staying.
Police said that Kang Min-gyu, 52, had been missing since Thursday
and appeared to have hung himself with his belt from a tree outside the
Around 340 students and teachers in ferry tragedy
Out of 475 passengers and crew on the ship, about 340 were students
and teachers from the Danwon High School in Ansan, an industrial town
near Seoul, who were on an outing to the resort island of Jeju. They
account for about 250 of those missing.
On Thursday, rescue teams made up of navy divers and the coast guard
were diving into the waters where the ferry sunk, searching for those
still missing.
The incident happened about 12 miles off the country's south western
coast and also on Thursday, a man reported to be the ferry's captain,
declared on Korean TV that he was ‘sorry and deeply ashamed.’
Yonhap news agency and Broadcaster YTN identified the man, who
appeared with his face covered with a grey hooded top, as the captain.
Captain regrets error
‘I am really sorry and deeply ashamed,’ he said after being
questioned at the Mokpo Coast Guard Office. In the brief videotaped
appearance, he added: ‘I don't know what to say.’
“I gave instructions regarding the route, then I briefly went to the
bedroom and then (the sinking) happened” he said. “The current was very
strong, the temperature of the ocean water was cold, and I thought that
if people left the ferry without proper judgement, if they were not
wearing a life jacket, and even if they were, they would drift away and
face many other difficulties.” the captain of the ship said.
He added that rescue boats had not arrived at the time of capsizing.
President condoles
President Mahinda Rajapaksa has sent a message of condolence to South
Korean President Park Geun-hye on the passenger ferry accident that took
place off the southern resort island of Jeju on Wednesday.
In his message, President Rajapaksa, while conveying the heartfelt
and profound condolences of the Government and the people of Sri Lanka
to his South Korean counterpart, has expressed confidence that with the
characteristic courage and fortitude of the Korean people, they will be
able to overcome their sorrow.
Vice Principal hangs himself

Vice principal
The vice principal who had responsibility for hundreds of school
children who died or went missing in a tragic South Korean ferry
accident was found hanged in front of victims’ families. Kang Min-gyu,
52, was found hanging from a tree outside of a gym in Jindo, South
Korea, near to where relatives of the victims are staying in the wake of
the passenger ship sinking on Wednesday. The ferry was carrying 475
passengers when it capsized on a short journey between Icheon and Jeju
on Wednesday. Around 28 people have been confirmed dead, while some 270
are yet to be accounted for. Kang taught at the Danwon High School in
Ansan, near Seoul. Around 340 of the ferry passengers were students or
teachers from his school, and make up the vast majority of those still
missing. Police said he went missing yesterday before being found.
Rescued girl
The new claims come the day after the human scale of the tragedy was
made clear by the story of a six-year-old girl who was rescued - but is
still waiting for news of her parents and brother, who are among the
After being rescued, the distraught girl was taken to hospital in
Mokpo, near the coastal city of Jindo, where she was treated.
Despite ongoing rescue efforts, on Thursday the South Korean coast
guard did not confirm if the young girl's parents and brother were dead
or alive.
The young girl and her family were travelling to the Island to look
for a new home, a local newspaper reported.
Survivor Yu Ho-sil helped rescue Kwon and said: ‘Somebody shouted at
me from the back to take the baby and other students passed the baby
Once rescued, Kwon was able to tell authorities the names of her
family members, but was unable to recall her address.
After being rescued, the distraught girl was taken to hospital in
Mokpo, near the coastal city of Jindo, where she was treated.
Despite ongoing rescue efforts, on Thursday the South Korean coast
guard did not confirm if the young girl's parents and brother were dead
or alive.
The young girl and her family were travelling to the Island to look
for a new home, Korea Joongang Daily reported.
Survivor Yu Ho-sil helped rescue Kwon and said: ‘Somebody shouted at
me from the back to take the baby and other students passed the baby
Once rescued, Kwon was able to tell authorities the names of her
family members, but was unable to recall her address.
It has been reported that Kwon told medical staff her mother and
brother gave her a life jacket before passing her up to the rescue
The hospital worked with authorities and rescue teams to find Kwon's
other relatives by using her photo online.
After a web post of her image went viral, the young girl's aunt and
grandmother identified her and made their way to the hospital.
After a medical assessed, it was determined that Kwon was in shock as
a result of the accident and the unfamiliar environment.
Despite being treated in a separate room to help calm her, hospital
director Ryu Jae-kwang said Kwon had not suffered any severe external
‘To help stabilise her condition, we are limiting her contact with
other people,’ he said. |
Captain Lee Joon-seok, 69, now faces a criminal investigation for his
part in the tragedy. Most the people on board were made up of students
and teachers from a South Korean school.
Fresh questions have been asked about whether quicker action by the
captain of the doomed ferry could have saved lives.
On Friday, rescuers continued the search to find the hundreds of
passengers still missing and feared dead.
Officials also offered a rare look at their investigations, saying
they were looking into whether a crewman's order to abruptly turn the
ship contributed to the 6,852-ton Sewol ferry tilting severely to the
side and filling with water Wednesday.
Death toll rises
The confirmed death toll from Wednesday's sinking off southern South
Korea was 28, the coast guard said. Most of bodies have been found
floating in the ocean because divers have been continually prevented
from getting inside the ship by strong currents and bad weather.
But 48 hours after the sinking the number of deaths was expected to
rise sharply with about 270 people missing, many of them high school
students on a class trip. Officials said there were 179 survivors.
New questions were raised by a transcript of a ship-to-shore exchange
and interviews by The Associated Press that showed the captain delayed
evacuation for half an hour after a South Korean transportation official
ordered preparations to abandon ship.
The order at 9 am by an unidentified official at the Jeju Vessel
Traffic Services Center to put on lifejackets and prepare for evacuation
came just five minutes after a Wednesday morning distress call by the
Sewol ferry.
A crewmember on the ferry, which was bound for Jeju island, replied
that ‘it's hard for people to move.’
The ship made a sharp turn between 8.48am and 8.49am Korea time, but
it's not known whether the turn was made voluntarily or because of some
external factor, Nam Jae-heon, a director for public relations at the
Maritime Ministry, said on Friday.
The captain has not spoken publicly about his decision making, and
officials are not talking much about their investigation, which includes
continued talks with the captain and crew. But the new details about
communication between the bridge and transportation officials follow a
revelation by a crewmember in an interview with The Associated Press
that the captain's eventual evacuation order came at least half an hour
after the 9am distress signal.
Adverse weather hinders rescue efforts
Meanwhile, strong currents and rain made rescue attempts difficult
again as they entered a third day. Divers worked in shifts to try to get
into the sunken vessel, where most of the missing passengers are thought
be, said coast guard spokesman Kim Jae-in.Coast guard officials said
divers began pumping air into the ship
Friday, but it wasn't immediately clear if the air was for survivors
or for a salvage operation. Officials said in a statement that divers
were still trying to enter the ship.
South Korean officials also offered a glimpse into their
investigation of what may have led to the sinking.
They said the accident happened at a point where the ferry from
Incheon to Jeju had to make a turn. Prosecutor Park Jae-eok said in a
briefing that investigators were looking at whether the third mate
ordered a turn whose degree was so sharp that it caused the ship to
The captain was not on the bridge at the time, Park said, adding that
officials were looking at other possible causes, too. Park also said
crews’ testimonies differed about where the captain was when the ship
started listing. As that listing continued, the captain was ‘near’ the
bridge, Park said, but he couldn't say whether the captain was inside or
right outside the bridge.
The operator of the ferry added more cabin rooms to three floors
after its purchase the ship, which was built in Japan in 1994, an
official at the private Korean Register of Shipping told the AP on
The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the person
was not allowed to discuss matters under investigation, said the
extension work between October 2012 and February 2013 increased the
Sewol's weight by 187 tons and added enough room for 117 more people.
The Sewol had a capacity of 921 when it sank.As is common in South
Korea, the ship's owner, Chonghaejin Marine Co. Ltd, paid for a safety
check by the Korean Register of Shipping, the official said, which found
that the Sewol passed all safety tests, including whether the ship could
stabilize in the event of tilting to the right or to the left after
adding more weight.
Ian Winkle, a British naval architect and ferry expert said many
ships have such modifications, to increase capacity, for instance.
‘In this particular case, it would have affected the stability by a
small amount, but as it seems from the structure of the vessel,
generally, it looks as if it was adequate to meet statutory
regulations,’ Winkle said.
Bewilded relatives pray for safe return of relativesNear the site of
the ferry, angry and bewildered relatives gathered on a nearby island
watched the rescue attempts. Some held a Buddhist prayer ritual, crying
and praying for their relatives’ safe return.
‘I want to jump into the water with them,’ said Park Geum-san, 59,
the great-aunt of another missing student, Park Ye-ji. ‘My loved one is
under the water and it's raining.
Anger is not enough.’Kim, the coast guard spokesman, said two vessels
with cranes arrived and would help with the rescue and to salvage the
ferry, which sank not far from the southern city of Mokpo. But salvage
operations hadn't started yet because of the rescue attempts.
Out of 29 crewmembers, 20 people, including the captain, Lee
Joon-seok, 68, survived, the coast guard said. Kim Soo-hyun, a senior
coast guard official, said officials were investigating whether the
captain got on one of the first rescue boats.The 146-meter (480-foot)
Sewol had left Incheon on the northwestern coast of South Korea on
Tuesday for the overnight journey to the southern resort island of Jeju.
There were 475 people aboard, including 325 students from Danwon High
School in Ansan, which is near Seoul, It was three hours from its
destination Wednesday morning when it began to list for an unknown
Oh Yong-seok, a helmsman on the ferry with 10 years of shipping
experience, said that when the crew gathered on the bridge and sent a
distress call, the ship was already listing more than 5 degrees, the
critical angle at which a vessel can be brought back to even keel.
The first instructions from the captain were for passengers to put on
life jackets and stay where they were, Oh said. A third mate reported
that the ship could not be righted, and the captain ordered another
attempt, which also failed, Oh said.
A crew member then tried to reach a lifeboat but fell because the
vessel was tilting, prompting the first mate to suggest to the captain
that he order an evacuation, Oh said.About 30 minutes after passengers
were told to stay in place, the captain finally gave the order to
evacuate, Oh said, adding that he wasn't sure in the confusion and chaos
on the bridge if the order was relayed to the passengers. Several
survivors said that they never heard any evacuation order.By then, it
was impossible for crew members to move to passengers’ rooms to help
them because the ship was tilted at an impossibly acute angle, he
said.The delay in evacuation also likely prevented lifeboats from being
deployed. ‘We couldn't even move one step.
The slope was too big,’ said Oh, who escaped with about a dozen
others, including the captain.The last major ferry disaster in South
Korea was in 1993, when 292 people were killed.
– Courtesy: Daily Mail, UK