Falling prices hit rubber industry
Despite rubber being one of the key productive assets there is
growing concern on the continuous decline in prices since 2012. Although
there had been a boom for nearly a decade, Sri Lanka’s rubber prices
have declined drastically in recent times.
Colombo Rubber Traders’ Association (CRTA) Chairman, M.S. Rahim said,
“The price drop in the world reflects on us too. With lower prices and
increase in cost of production we will be faced with losses.
Smallholders too have to bear the price drop and drop in production due
to bad weather that prevailed in 2013.”
“In 2010, prices (thick latex crepe) reached a high of Rs. 593. In
2011 prices reached record highs of over Rs.600 for a period of seven
months. After a slow start in 2012, prices recovered and, thereafter,
began to drop slowly to end the year at Rs. 385 per kilo,” he said.
“In 2013, the market recovered quickly at the beginning of the year
to reach over Rs.400 in the first quarter after which there was slight
drop in the second half but overall prices were stable at Rs. 400 till
the end of the year.
From January 2014 there has been a sudden sharp drop in latex crepe
prices to Rs.305,” Rahim said.
The recent Weekly Rubber Auction (April 1, 2014) recorded average
prices for Latex Crepe between Rs. 300-230 and RSS remained unquoted.
Deputy Chairman Planters’ Association of Ceylon (PA) and CRTA Vice
Chairman S. S. Poholiyadde said, “Over the last three years, the rubber
price has fallen by over 50 percent. It is now around Rs. 300, whereas
it was Rs. 600 in 2011.”“This is mainly due to the global economic
situation. Especially in European countries, there has been an economic
slowdown. This has had an impact on prices globally,” he said.Adding to
the gloom in rubber’s bear market is the supply glut as stockpiles in
China swell.
“There has been stockpiling in China. Most of the largest
manufacturing facilities are in India and China, and this too has pushed
their market up compared to us,” Poholiyadde said.
Director, Rubber, Forbes and Walkers Commodity Brokers, Damitha
Perera said, “The price is stagnant now.
The reason is stockpiles in China amounting to 300,000 tonnes. They
are not aggressive in the market, and it's not good for us.”
“Crepe and RSS is stagnant as this is the lean period and off season.
A boom in prices is not expected for a few months,” he said.
The cost of production remains a key challenge affecting the
performance of the country’s rubber industry. Compared to earlier years
the cost of production (COP) continues to escalate and is expected to
increase further.
“China the largest consumer in the past four years found their
economy slowing down and due to the fact that they were over stocked,
prices had to slow down. Besides countries such as Vietnam and all other
producing countries had reached high levels of production” Rahim said.
The Plantation Workers’ Collective Agreement of April 2013 has
exacerbated this.
“There has been an increase in the cost of production by about
Rs.20-25 as a result of the wage increase, said Poholiyadde.
“Wages will obviously further increase.
We need to adopt strategies to lower cost of production,” said
Professor of Plantation Management at Wayamba University, Prof. Asoka
A vital sector of the rubber industry is the smallholder who grows
60% of the rubber produced in the country.
“When production comes down, it is the smallholders who are mainly
affected,” said Poholiyadde.
Because of low yields, smallholders will be compelled to sell their
produce at depressed prices.
Smallholders, who receive insufficient revenue because of low yields
and low prices, would be forced to convert land to other crops.
The CRTA Report 2012/2013 stated, “It is critical that these
smallholder growers obtain the best possible prices for their rubber, in
line with prices realised at the auction, to enable them to remain
Declining prices also affect the larger Regional Plantation Companies
(RPCs). Not only are smallholders feeling the pinch, but the large RPCs
are affected too.
According to Prof. Nugawela, a drop in the farm gate price of more
than Rs.100 per kg will have a significant negative bearing on producers
in both sectors.
For competitiveness and viability of the industry, key issues such as
environmental and agriculture issues need to be addressed. Experiencing
extreme weather patterns also contribute towards a decline in
“The limited land area we have for rubber and land acquisitions are
causes for concern,” said Poholiyadde.
“In addition there is a shortage of tappers, especially with the
younger generation not wanting to get into this line of employment,” he
With these difficulties affecting the industry, Prof. Nugawela called
for a vision for the foreseeable future.
“We have to manage with a vision to achieve a substantial growth in
productivity and performance to challenge the inevitable increases in
COP,” he said.
With production and price declines affecting the industry, public
sector support becomes imperative.
According to Poholiyadde a protectionist strategy is crucial.
“I would say it is vital, because over 60% of this industry
production is by smallholders. So many people are dependent on rubber
for survival.”
“We should ensure that value-addition factories continue to work
uninterrupted. A lot of people have hope in the rubber industry,” he
Sri Lanka’s rubber industry needs to attract foreign investment to
expand and diversify.
“We should promote more such industries to come in and set up
manufacturing facilities here. I believe that is the way forward,”
Poholiyadde said. |