Seylan Credit Card deals for Avurudu
The traditional 'Litha' or almanac is one which contains all the
auspicious times for the year. Similarly the Seylan Bank Litha or
almanac is one which pampers the bank's credit card holders across the
country with a range of offers as part of its Aluth Avurudu deals.
The Avurudu campaign with a wide range of offers spread over more
than 50 merchants for clothing, supermarket shopping, fuel, consumer
durables and furniture will end on April 30.
Seylan Bank's Chief Manager, Cards, Nimesh Fernando said, "Expenses
are always high during this time of the year. Being the annual season of
ganu denu one also buys lots of gifts for friends, family and loved
"We're delighted to offer customers the special benefit of this
exciting range of deals and offers, to make it easier on their purse,"
he said. |