A special course in Tamil Language was
conducted by the Maharagama Nenasala recently. Here Water
Supply and Drainage Minister Dinesh Gunawardane presents a
proficiency certificate to one of the 60 youth who had
successfully completed the course. Director General,
Nenasala, Sripani Jayaratne Ranasinghe looks on. Pic:
Wehelle Piyathilake, Maharagama Spl. Cor.
Child Development and Womens’ Affairs
Minister Tissa Karaliyadda lights the oil lamp at a
ceremo-ny at the Puttalam District Secretariat to discuss
problems relating to displaced women and children. Puttalam
UC Chairman K.A. Baiz looks on.
The Health Ministry donated Ambulances to
Dehiyatakandiya Base Hospital, Maha Oya Base Hos-pital and
Padiyathalawa District Hospital in the Ampara District under
the Japan ‘JAICA’ program recently. This ceremony was
presided over by Ampara RDHS, Dr; Senaga Thalagala held at
Ampara RDHS Office. Here, Chief Guest, Eastern Province
Health Services, Cooperative, Information Tech-nology and
Sports Minister M. I. M. Mansoor hands over the keys of a
Ambulance vehicle to a Doc-tor. Pic: I. L. M. Rizan,
Addalaichenai Central Cor.
Rathnavali Balika Vidyalaya, Gampaha won
second place in the island with a 100 percent success rate
at the GCE Ordinary Level examination in 2013 . All 304
students who sat the examination were successful. The school
principal H.A. Jayawardane said that 139 students obtained
“A” passes for all nine sub-jects and 97 students scored “A”
passes in eight subjects. Twenty-eight students scored “A”
passes in seven subjects. The principal congratulating those
who passed the examination with flying colours said the
school has recorded the best results at the G.C.E Ordinary
Level and Advanced Level examinations. K.A. Menushika Jayani
Kariyawasam won first place in the island at the GCE (O/L)
examination. She was a grade five scholarship winner from
Nalanda Balika Maha Vidyalaya, Minuwangoda.