Questions posed to Green leaders
A-Run said that it was a team of Green professionals who went on a
fact-finding mission to Mattala and Magampura.
If so, why did they overlook Hurr-Shah, the Green economics guru? Was
it due to A-Run's running battle with Hurr-Shah? Does the exclusion of
Saa-Jeet, the Love-Slave, for his 'home' operation mean that he is not a
professional, despite holding an economics degree from the reputed
London School of Economics?
Kind-Leader's secret role bared
Sirikotha sources disclosed that it was Sun Kind-Leader who had
organised the Green Em Pees' tour to Hambantota to embarrass Love-Slave,
claiming that the latter had not done anything worthwhile to highlight
things in his own area.
But Kind-Leader, having organised everything, had pulled out of the
tour at the eleventh hour citing health reasons.
Car-Beer's double games
Car-Beer Hah-Shee-Mh is minting money through an Afghanistan-based
INGO he is working for under the pretext of Islamic solidarity.
The US-funded INGO is spending lavishly on Car-Beer to justify
anti-Muslim actions and drone attacks in Afghanistan. Back home,
Car-Beer acts like an innocent baby, claiming that he is promoting
inter-religious amity.
Contrasting leaders
The leader of the country and the Opp leader celebrated the customary
New Year in contrasting style.
As a true Sri Lankan, the Prez spent the New Year with his fellow
villagers in his native Tangalle residence, observing all rituals while
the Opp Leader did it American style with a piece of chocolate cake and
champagne. |