'LTTE has started planting terrorism seeds again'
Ajith Colonne, Security Analyst and a former Deputy Director
(research) attached to Sri Lankan Military Intelligence said that what
we achieved in May 2009 is a full completion of one full cycle
eradicating LTTE within Sri Lanka. Retired today, he was one of the few
civilians attached to the intelligence service of the country.

Ajith Colonne, Security Analyst and former Deputy Director
(research) |
He became a Visiting Lecturer in Management at the Sir John
Kotalawala Defence University (KDU), in 1996 which was an academy then.
In 1998, Mr. Colonne was appointed a Deputy Director of the Directorate
of Internal Intelligence - DII of the Ministry of Defence. DII was
formerly known as the National Intelligence Bureau - NIB and presently
known as the State Intelligence Service - SIS. Today, retired from
Intelligence services, Colonne devotes a considerable amount of his time
doing national service by conducting a series of highly specialised
lectures on Decision Making and Intelligence Analysis to the members of
the armed forces and the police.
“On the other hand LTTE is a globally established network. It has
become more of a business entity as well,” Colonne said. For them to
take this business organisation forward they need to have a cause -
fighting for their ideologies. They need to show that symptoms are
slowly emerging. In another perspective still they're in the process of
mustering funds from right around the world.
They have been able to take a foothold in the western countries and
the diaspora is such that they can make a political pressure in their
respective countries. Their influential with the western world. That is
how the money can easily be raised. Initially they were focusing on
illegal trades like drug trafficking. But then it was transformed in to
more legal trades where any government can not take action against such
activities. They were formally established business entities.
When I was in intelligence, I came across information proving that
LTTE being a transnational business entity, which was equivalent to a
multinational corporation. Certain international writers have also
expressed this view.
In 1999 the Intelligence were able to make an assessment. And in time
to come, it was growing exponentially.
In 2005 soon after Tsunami, the funds that were flown in to the
country was in excess.
The Central Bank set up with a whole new ministering intelligence
units and banned three organisations and confiscated the funds they had
which were the roots that brought terrorist funding money to the
That is a transnational organisation - there are shipping, banks,
banking, petrol stations, real estate. And in one time they were
operating in capital markets.
These factors show that they will continue with their efforts and
using a minor incident they can create a larger negative picture making
a huge impact on the economy of the country. This impact on the economy
is what we need to prevent at the moment.
Mind you, any sort of terrorism related sabotage activity can take
the country two thirds backward in the development of the country gained
over the past five years.
The first step of the LTTE operatives would be to reactivate and the
second step, as mentioned above, is to sabotage the development country
There will be isolated activities as attempts of sabotage. While
attempting to totally annihilate the peaceful set up of the country,
terrorists would definitely attempt to create sabotage using isolated
incidents through their sleeper cadres in the ground level. It is at
this juncture the Intelligence services has to play a major role.
We need to be mindful about these isolated sabotage incidents.
The Intelligence services need to be 100 percent sure of facts,
precise and absolutely accurate on underlying facts. LTTE being
interpreted as a transnational organisation and Sri Lanka is its
cultivation ground. They have started planting the seeds once again. We
have to stop them giving water.
Water has to be brought from far away places. Intelligence
communities has a major role to locate the seeds and uproot them before
they become plants. We have to have a regional cooperation to combat
this future meanness.
- DY