US killer drone strikes central Yemen
April 19 HSN
Nearly 20 people were killed in the killer drone attack carried out
in the province of Baida on Saturday.
The drone targeted a vehicle travelling towards the southern province
of Shabwa. A Yemen security official confirmed the attack. The United
States is the only country that operates drones in Yemen.
Over the past years, Washington has regularly used unmanned aerial
vehicles for attacks and spying in several Muslim countries including
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen.
The drone strikes have escalated significantly over the past months,
which have resulted in a hike in anti-US sentiments in the targeted
countries, with people holding numerous protests against the deadly air
attacks.The airstrikes were initiated under former US president, George
W. Bush, and have been stepped up under the administration of President
Barack Obama.
Washington claims the attacks target militants, but evidence on the
ground shows civilians usually fall victim to such attacks.
The United Nations says the drone strikes pose a growing challenge to
the rule of international law.
The world body and several human rights organizations have already
identified the United States as the world’s number one user of “targeted
killings” largely due to its drone attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan. |