Joint statement by 22 developing countries of LMG:
Intrusive mandate to OHCHR unwarranted
Twenty-two developing countries of the Like Minded Group (LMG) in
Geneva, in a joint statement made through its Chair - Egypt, have said
the Group “believes that the intrusive mandate given to the OHCHR by
Resoluton 25/1 to carry out investigations on Sri Lanka is unwarranted,
especially in the context where the country is implementing its own
domestic processes”.
It said “OHCHR’s efforts should contribute to a state’s own efforts
in the promotion and protection of human rights, as stipulated in the
UNGA Res. 48/141, UNGA Res. 60/251, UNGA Res. 65/281 and in the IB
package. These core documents do not confer any oversight authority to
the OHCHR over sovereign countries.
Any external assistance to countries should expressly be in
consultation with and with the consent of that country”. It also noted
that “however, in contravention of these fundamental principles,
Resolution 25/1 calls for ‘comprehensive investigation’ by the OHCHR,
thereby vesting an investigative authority on the office”.
It said, “as we have observed, successive resolutions on Sri Lanka
have not enjoyed the consensus of the Council members. This was amply
evident by the divided vote of 14 against, 10 abstentions on OP 10 of
resolution 25/1, which sought to establish the OHCHR investigation”. The
statement said “the international community should be mindful not to
jeopardise the delicate process of reconciliation that is already under
way in Sri Lanka”.
The countries endorsing this statement (See full text below) were;
Algeria, Angola, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bolivia, China, Cuba, Ecuador,
Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, DPRK, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Russia,
South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Uganda, Venezuela, Zimbabwe. It was
delivered on Thursday, September 25, 2014 following the ‘Oral Update’ of
the High Commissioner and the reply by Sri Lanka’s Permanent
In addition, several countries in individual country statements
during the General Debate were also critical of the OHCHR’s action and
supported Sri Lanka’s domestic reconciliation.
Azerbaijan noted the Government of Sri Lanka’s intention to continue
to engage with the regular mechanisms of the Council. It said that all
measures should be taken within the climate of mutual understanding and
constructive cooperation and that all outstanding issues can be
considered within the spirit of cooperation and correlation between Sri
Lanka and the United Nations Human Rights system.
Saying that “the Human Rights Resolution on Sri Lanka is an example
of political pressure of enforcing one-sided and biased views”, Belarus
said “granting the OHCHR and its international civil servants
authorities to investigate without corresponding agreement of these
functions with the country concerned, creates the basis for interference
in the domestic affairs of the State that undermines State’s trust and
confidence in the UN system as a whole.”
China welcoming the country’s reconstruction, national reconciliation
and economic and social development and the adoption of “a National
Action Plan to implement the recommendations of the Lessons Learnt and
Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) to strengthen the functions of the
relevant domestic institutions and achieve tangible and important
progress” regretted that these developments have not been fully
reflected in the High Commissioner’s report. It called upon the
international community to show respect and support to Sri Lanka’s
national reconciliation efforts.
Cuba said that the “Sri Lankan government has come on a cooperative
and constructive fashion to each session of this Council. It has
submitted information on a regular and broad basis, it has invited the
special procedures, it has welcomed the former High Commissioner.
This apparently has not been enough and it is still singled out by
those who sponsored that resolution. The resolution was adopted with a
substantial number of abstentions and votes against. This illustrates
the division that exist as regard the real need as to whether this needs
to be accessed by the Council or not.” India expressed concern “that the
High Commissioner has not indicated how he intends to proceed with his
investigation in the absence of cooperation from the country concerned.”
While saying that “the composition of the OHCHR investigating team,
its work methodology and sources of funding have not been shared with
this Council”, it called upon “the High Commissioner to do so to
maintain the credibility of the report”. It said that “We also note that
a number of countries had expressed concerns on the international
investigation in their statements, including one through the LMG
statement.” India said, “Sri Lanka should be given all assistance in a
cooperative and collaborative manner.
We take positive note of Sri Lanka’s engagement with UN human rights
mechanisms, despite its non-recognition of recent resolutions adopted by
the Council on Sri Lanka”
Lao PDR said, “A country-specific human rights resolution would not
help to comprehensively address human rights issues”.
“We also welcome efforts of the Sri Lankan government to continue its
domestic process of reconciliation in the country by, along others,
implementing the National Action Plan of the LLRC, which was formulated
for this purpose”.
The Maldives which commended the broadening of the mandate of the COI
on disappearances and inclusion of international experts as an advisory
group, welcomed “the initiatives by the Government of Sri Lanka to
cooperate with the international community”.
Myanmar while noting that the previous High Commissioner paid the
longest official visit to Sri Lanka with unfettered access, Myanmar said
“reconciliation, rehabilitation and reconstruction work after 30 years
of terrorism in Sri Lanka is no easy task”. “Despite the numerous
challenges Sri Lanka remains committed in its reconciliation process.”
It also joined the call by other like-minded countries expressing its
objections to the mandate given by the Council to OHCHR to carry out
investigation against Sri Lanka, which is “increasingly using human
rights as a political tool with undue pressure” that could “have a
negative impact on the good image and credibility of the Council.”
Namibia said that as a matter of principle, it usually abstained from
country specific Human Rights resolutions, as they believe that “some
countries impose their policies and views on certain countries, while
turning a blind eye on others.”
Reflecting on its own national experience, it noted that “the
willingness of the Namibian people to embrace national reconciliation
after independence has brought about peace in the country, but we needed
time and space to build trust and healing. It is for that reason, that
the international community should not impose solutions on Sri Lanka,
but that it should encourage the national process, which will be more
sustainable and long lasting”.
Pakistan called the Council to refrain from allocating precious human
and financial resources to such confrontational and counter-productive
initiatives which divert the focus of the Member States from other more
pressing human rights situations meriting attention.
It called upon countries sheltering and facilitating former LTTE
dissidents to ensure that such elements are not allowed to create
problems among the expatriate Sri Lankan diaspora and said that the
international community must act as a facilitator and be part of the
solution rather that part of the problem in the country.
The Philippines noted that the oral update by the High Commissioner,
was being made pursuant to resolution 25/1 adopted by a “divided”
Council. It acknowledged Sri Lanka’s proactive engagement with the Human
Rights Council mechanisms, despite its rejection of resolution 25/1.
Qatar appreciated Sri Lanka’s continued engagement with treaty bodies
and special procedures mandate holders and called upon the Government of
Sri Lanka to pursue its efforts to finalise the national reconciliation
process and to implement the national plan for reconciliation.
Russia said that it had consistently spoken against the investigation
on Sri Lanka.
The Russian Federation said, “We do not see any objective
clarification“ for having an investigation.
It said that the process of national reconciliation and
investigations on past crimes should be consulted by the Sri Lankans
themselves and any interference is counter productive and would be
highly detrimental.“
It said that “The OHCHR should assist States to promote and protect
human rights and not undermine these.“
South Sudan Commending Sri Lanka’s continued engagement with
mechanisms of the Council, especially recognised “the progress made by
the Government in restoring of the education system in the
conflict-affected areas with 11,105 primary schools upgraded” and
appreciated “the Government allocation of additional financial resources
for restitution and compensatory relief in 2014.”
Sudan said that the commitment of the Government of Sri Lanka and its
positive engagement with the OHCHR, and the mechanisms of the Human
Rights Council, said that it is of the view that “The mandate for a
‘comprehensive investigation’ which vest on the OHCHR, an intrusive
external investigative authority not only exceeds its mandate, but also
challenges the sovereignty and independence of a member state of the
United Nations, it violates a fundamental principle of international law
which requires that national remedies have to be exhausted before
resorting to international mechanisms.”
Thailand said they “commend the progress in Sri Lanka’s own domestic
process of reconciliation and the Government of Sri Lanka’s continued
engagement with the various mechanisms of the Council. We sincerely
believe that international support, rather than pressure, will truly
help heal and move forward a country that just came out of a long and
bitter war against terrorism”.
Uzbekistan said, “The progress achieved in the country in resolving
the very difficult problems after terrorism was eradicated in the
Northern Province” and extended its support to “the efforts of the
Government of Sri Lanka to strengthen national reconciliation to
reconstruction of their country and promote and protect human rights
through applying a constructive approach” while acknowledging the need
to respect the sovereignty of the country.
Venezuela said that it voted against Resolution 25/1, as it was
“Another highly politicised process in which the country itself
concerned was not heard”, “The High Commissioner and the Office should
work with Governments to achieve the objective of human rights without
any investigative powers over sovereign states, as was imposed through
this resolution.”
It regretted that “There is no proper appreciation of the major
efforts by this Government to comply with its human rights commitments
and in restoring peace in 2009.”