Should you finish what you started, in one go?
Suppose you are writing a letter to one of your
friends. The ball-point pen runs out of ink after you have written a
few sentences. Do you calmly pick up the first working pen you find
and get on with it? Or do you search the house for a pen with the
same colour ink, get side-tracked and end up sorting knickknacks all
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Illusions and the media
How many girls or even women try to have a
fairer complexion? How many young men attend gymnasia and do
rigorous exercises to get that perfect body? How many of us follow
various courses to obtain a highly paid job? However, all these men
and women have unwittingly succumbed to an illusion.
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Thorns on the Side
Tourism and community development
Tourism is one of the world’s biggest
industries, generating revenues over of US$ 1.3 trillion (2012
figures). Tourism today is a trillion-dollar industry involving the
movement of more than one billion tourists across borders and
another five to six billion travellers domestically in their own
countries every year.
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