Sri Lanka-Thailand logo design competition
A series of activities have been organised to mark the 60th
anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Sri
Lanka and Thailand.
The Ministry of External Affairs of Sri Lanka and the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Thailand will conduct a Logo Design Competition under
the theme 'Connectivity for Shared Prosperity'. Sri Lankan and Thai
contestants could submit their designs to their respective foreign
Sri Lankan nationals should be between the ages of 18-35 years. The
designs should be submitted with the application form to the East Asia
and the Pacific Division, Ministry of External Affairs, Republic
Building, Colombo 1. The envelope should indicate "Logo Design
Competition for 60th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic
Relations between Sri Lanka and Thailand".
Contestants can submit more than one design on or before October 24.
The winner will be awarded a prize of SL Rs. 100,000 or approximately
25,000 Thai Bahts.
For details and to download the application form visit the website of
the Ministry of External Affairs (