Committee to look into Hajj pilgrimage quotas
by Naalir Jamaldeen
A committee will be set up to inquire into the issues relating to the
Hajj pilgrimage quotas given to tour operator, Muslim Religious Affairs
and Posts Minister M.H.A. Haleem told the Sunday Observer.
He said that the committees will comprises of lawyers, Islamic
religious prelates and Hajj travel operation experts.Various criticisms
have been leveled against the issuing of Hajj quotas to travel operators
due to certain inexperienced Hajj travel operators being offered quotas.
Many complaints were made by pilgrims in this regard. "Hajj pilgrimages
in Singapore are operated smoothly due to a separate body being set up
to handle the tours", the Minister said. Many issues arose last year due
to the absence of a proper mechanism for issuing of quotas", the
Minister said.
"Sri Lanka received 2,200 Hajj quotas last year . I held discussions
with the Hajj Affairs Minister of Saudi Arabia and requested for 4,000
quotas hoping to get at least 3,000. We are confident
that we will be given 600 additional quotas", Minister Haleem said. |