Muslim community concerned over Constitutional Amendments
by Rohana Jayalal
Muslim Council of Sri Lanka (MCSL) has appointed a seventeen member
committee following the Panel discussion held last week on the proposed
constitutional amendments, MCSL President N.M. Ameen told.
He said the Committee consists of lawyers, University academicians
and the intellectuals from the Muslim Community.The Committee will study
the interests of Muslims about the the proposed amendments on
constitution, he said.
Ameen said that committee is studying the matters which are important
to the country and what kind of contribution should be made from Muslim
community for social unity and integration.
The Committee has also stressed the necessity of building up mutual
relations between other communities. The MCSL also hope to cope with
other communities in bridging the gap between other communities.
The report of the Committee will be submitted to the Government
through the Muslim Political leadership. Shibly Azeez, (PC) will chair
the program, Advisor to the President, Dr. Jayampathy Wickramaratne,
(PC), Director General, TRC, M.M. Zuhair, (PC) and M.A. Sumanthiran, MP,
were present at the panel discussion, he said. |