Independence, reflections from Japan
By Ven. Wimalasara Thera
Victory gives rise to hatred. Those who are defeated lie in pain.
Those who are peaceful live happily giving up both victory and defeat. -
The Buddha
Distance lends a highly profitable perspective to view an intricately
created tapestry in all its glory. When you are too close to it, you may
get overwhelmed by the detail and you may miss the impressive grandeur
of the holistic vision, you can get from afar.
This is true of a country as well.
When you are in it - involved every moment in its hum and buzz - you
may not get the total picture of those events.
But, when you are away, you can see the picture, a lot better. This
is true of Sri Lanka too.
Those of us who are resident, here in Japan, see what is taking place
in our motherland, from a totally different view-point.
I paid keen attention to the festivities that were held to celebrate
the 67th anniversary of Sri Lanka's Independence.
A particular feature of these celebrations, etched itself deeply in
the inner recesses of my being.
Linguistic groups
For the first time since the Independence in 1948, this time around,
all the ethnic, religious, racial and linguistic groups were represented
are the Independence Day celebrations. The whole of Sri Lanka celebrated
the Independence, as a united, undivided nation.
The message that came to those Sri Lankans who live abroad was loud
and clear: "All sections of Sri Lanka's population, have become
war-weary. They, uninhibitedly seek a future, that will be totally
bereft of even a trace of harrowing violence."
As a Bhikkhu, residing in Japan, I feel that the 67th Independence
Day, throbbed with a kind of spiritual spasm.
We could quite clearly see that at this important event, the whole
nation was brought together by a bright hope, for a long and sustained
era of uninterrupted peace.
Spiritual nuances
Strangely enough, there were similar spiritual nuances, at the recent
Republic Day celebrations in India as well. To be specific, the Buddha
was predominantly present at those Indian celebrations.
President Barack Obama's official host, at the Republican Day
celebrations, offered their famous visitor, an image of the Buddha, to
remember this historical moment.
Over and above that, President Obama planted a sacred Bodhi sapling,
to monument his participation in the Indian Republic Day celebrations.
The world at large viewed on-line, President Obama worshipping the
Bodhi sapling.
While paying tribute profusely to the Independence Day celebrations
in our own motherland, I am quite keen to draw everyone's attention to
the example set by the Indian Government.
Hindu India, currently under the administrative direction of Prime
Minister Narendra Modi - a dedicated Hindu devotee - assigned an
honoured and exalted place to the Buddha on the occasion of that
country's Republic Day celebrations, since the Buddha is a universally
recognised sacred symbol of peace, harmony, tolerance and friendly
The totality of India was happy that the Buddha stood for the inner
spirituality of that massive sub-continent.
Besides, the Buddha is one of the supreme sons of mother India and
the timeless teachings of the Buddha are an ever-lasting treasure,
endowed upon mankind by India.
While reflecting upon this homage to the Buddha at the Indian
Republic Day celebrations, the planners of Sri Lanka's Independence Day
celebrations, should assign a more influential position to the spiritual
aspects of Sri Lankan culture - in programs associated with Independence
This will invariably strengthen Sri Lanka's sense of being united.
This is only a suggestion introduced in a spirit of profound
Prioritisation of peaceful coexistence stood out as a major feature
in the Independence celebrations.
But, muted to an undertone, there was yet another significant theme.
This was an urge for austerity.
It is quite apt to reflect on this as well. Media reported that the
total investment for the ritual of taking the oath of presidency, was
less than Rs. 7,000.
Austerity at the level of State Administration imports a dignity to a
As I reflect on the 67th Independence Day celebrations in Sri Lanka,
I cannot help but feel that those at the helm of affairs in Sri Lanka
today are completely ready to assist to take this land towards an era
that is totally violence-free and is awaiting the dawn of an age of
spiritual and material well-being.
The end-note, I like to append to my reflections is that as a nation
Sri Lankans should make a strenuous effort to shun those hatred-driven
reprisals that mar the security and the allure of this spiritual haven
of compassionate radiance.
Although we reside away from our motherland, we always assiduously
trace the progress in Sri Lanka, to reach those noble ideals of love,
tolerance and mutual understanding.
The 67th Independence Day celebrations were held in an atmosphere of
unity and harmony. We must always maintain this new initiative towards a
free and compassionate era - sans disharmony.
I am a Sri Lankan Bhikkhu, residing in this Land of the Rising Sun
Japan - a country where the citizens are highly disciplined and value
peace and tolerance as noble human values. I wish my motherland too such
a distinction.
Independence must strengthen our unswerving will to make our
motherland a blossoming valley of peace and harmony. We must uphold our
centuries' old cultural and spiritual values.
The writer is the founder of the Daham Sevane Singitto and the
pioneer of the International Development Foundation.