Women commandos to fight the Taliban
For years, Robina Shah has dreamed of joining the
police force. Ever since her father, a police constable, was killed
in a 2013 Taliban suicide attack in Peshawar, capital of Pakistan’s
northern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, she has longed to carry on his
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No longer the goddess of democracy
In the days leading up to Aung San Suu Kyi’s
70th birthday last week, public affection for the icon of Myanmar’s
long struggle for democracy took many forms — from glowing pictorial
¬tributes in newspapers to Happy Birthday medleys on high Yangon
radio rotation.
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Mapping mosquito diseases
Mosquitoes that carry the dengue and chikungunya
viruses are more widespread than ever, believe scientists mapping
the global spread of the insects. There are no treatments or
vaccines for these diseases, so knowing where the mosquitoes that
transmit them occur and thrive can help focus research and public
health resources, scientists say.
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