‘Fisheries Harbour Corp funds used for election
Presidential Commission to expose mega frauds
Government funds may have been used to organize a
public rally in support of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s
presidential bid in December last year, according to evidence now
being led at the hearings of the Special Presidential Commission of
Inquiry into Large Scale Corruption and Fraud, which began hearings
in Colombo, last Thursday morning. No proper procedure seems to have
been followed in these dealings, according to testimony.
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August 17 polls:
Ex LTTErs to uphold democracy
LTTE ex-combatants running for the August 17
parliamentary polls would work on the principles of democracy,
brotherhood and compromise with their Southern counterparts,
shunning violence, the Administrative Head of their political party
Rasiah Kirubhakaran alias Kadir told the Sunday Observer.
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Secret pacts won’t solve Tamil problems – Douglas
The problems of the Tamils cannot be solved
through secret pacts signed with other political parties like the
TNA had done and the attempts to address the Tamil issues should
always be open to the Sinhala community in the South if such
attempts are to be successful, EPDP leader and former Minister
Douglas Devananda said.
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Bodu Bala Sena says no to controversial personality
The Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) now converted itself
into the Bodu Jana Peramuna (BJP) has denied candidacy to a
controversial personality who has now joined the Jana Setha Peramuna
(JSP), headed by Ven. Bellanwila Seelarathana Thera. Vijitha Rohana
Wijemuni, the Naval Rating who rifle-assaulted visiting Indian Prime
Minister Rajiv Gandhi on July 27, 1987 during a presidential guard
of honour in Colombo,
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Tiran’s case on July 22
The case filed in the Supreme Court by the
police Special Investigations Unit (SIU) against former
parliamentarian and RADA Chairman Tiran Alles and others will be
taken up on July 22. In this case, the SIU sleuths are investigating
the Rs. 169 million missing Treasury allocations for tsunami
reconstruction in LTTE controlled areas in 2006.
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