Bodu Bala Sena says no to controversial personality
by Dhaneshi Yatawara
The Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) now converted itself into the Bodu Jana
Peramuna (BJP) has denied candidacy to a controversial personality who
has now joined the Jana Setha Peramuna (JSP), headed by Ven. Bellanwila
Seelarathana Thera.
Vijitha Rohana Wijemuni, the Naval Rating who rifle-assaulted
visiting Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi on July 27, 1987 during a
presidential guard of honour in Colombo, told the Sunday Observer that
the BBS has changed its original policies for expediency and the benefit
of the few.
“They did not give me due place as the leader of the Gampaha district
and has gone against its original position of not fielding bhikkhus,” he
said, alleging that the BBS dropped him like a hot potato after he spent
much time and energy building the party network in the Gampaha district.
After the BBS/BJP Central Committee decided to appoint a bhikkhu to
lead each district, Wijemuni was denied the leadership role he was
promised. When he realised that lay people have been included as
district leaders against the recent decision, Wijemuni decided to part
ways and seek a party that might accommodate him.
He said that he was never popular with the BBS due to his severe
criticism of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa. “They never liked it
though I always spoke the truth.”
He added: “The party had a promising new approach to safeguard
Buddhism. “At the end, it had all been a power game of a few people.” |