Building peace for prosperity
While rabble-rousers harp on
'sovereignty' and 'hybridity', real-life in Sri Lanka now moves on to
bread-and-butter issues such as economic strategy, fiscal policy for
financial stability and the looming Budget. Even as the Human Rights
Council wound up in Geneva, the President and the Prime Minister were
winging their way on missions to cement global engagements all round.
While the President successfully presented Sri Lanka's case for
post-war recovery at the UN General Assembly, Premier Wickremesinghe
returned from official visits to India and Japan with a briefcase full
of massive development aid, promising investment plans and vital trade
and technical support agreements signed. Such much-needed embellishment
of the country's development prospects can only come on the basis of a
comprehensive movement towards social and political stability, which was
what the Geneva Resolution was all about. Both Tokyo and Delhi threw
their weight behind the package of reform and political redress that Sri
Lanka pushed through in Geneva.
They could do so, like the rest of the current UN Human Rights
Council, since the political change in January provided the external
world with a transparent picture of the new social consensus within the
country. This new consensus is the sustained majority popular vote,
demonstrated successively and convincingly, in both the presidential as
well as parliamentary elections, that supports the general orientation
of the new regime. It is an orientation towards inter-ethnic
understanding and cultural pluralism, revival of the rule of law,
rational governance as against superstition and feudalism and, the
re-building of democracy as opposed to autocracy.
This successive and firm demonstration of the people's will is the
best response to all those who worry that national sovereignty is being
undermined. It is this popular mandate that enabled Sri Lanka to help
formulate a comprehensive package for national post-war recovery that
was then adopted by consensus in Geneva with the entire world community
- and not just one or two States - pledging support.
The Prime Minister's visits to Delhi and Japan saw successful
outcomes on the basis of that new found confidence in the popular will
of the Sri Lankan people. If those friendly governments had not been
convinced that the new regime's political commitments are on the basis
of a popular mandate, they would not have been so forthcoming in cash
and kind. The sheer unanimity of world powers on Sri Lanka's new path
forward based on popular will, dispels those fears about 'sovereignty'.
Popular discourse and national debate now shift to the nitty-gritty of
the next steps forward.
Economic aid and foreign investment plans now need rapid design - the
implementing architecture needs to be set up and fine-tuned to ensure
smooth and fast fulfillment of investment targets and infrastructure
development. But the economic side of things can only bear fruit if
social and political stability is on track. It is here that the country
faces its greatest challenges. Political and community leaders must
comprehensively contribute towards all the initiatives being taken in
the realms of ethnic reconciliation, inter-ethnic understanding, the
clean-up of public administration and law and order institutions and, an
accounting of the sins of war committed by all sides.
The world will watch as the four major world religions represented
here - Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Christianity - share their
spiritual resources creatively in Dharma, theology, and spiritual
healing as they respond to the varied needs of truth-seeking, justice
and reconciliation. Here is the opportunity to show the world that
religion is not merely the tool of pseudo-patriots, communalists and
nationalists but, more the spiritual font of civilised social and
political management.
The challenge to re-build democracy calls for the awakening of the
literate society that is Sri Lanka. The ranks of sophisticated
professionals who, for too long have nourished foreign lands, must now
contribute their intellect and special skills towards building an
elaborate architecture for institutional reform and constitutional
design. Civil society groups must help deploy these energies into
fruitful channels of consultation and consensus building which
ultimately will see the varied social and economic interest groups agree
on a new political compact that will take form in a new constitution.
Business chambers - which have direct interest in political stability -
the trade unions, rights groups, youth movements, women's movements,
ecology groups must all contribute to this process not merely in
ensuring the articulation of their respective group interests but also
in ensuring that a carefully structured dialogue. It is only such an
elaborate process that will bring societal agreement and consensus on
common national goals and mutually agreed institutions of democratic
Such comprehensive societal support will strengthen the government's
hands and enable it to preside over a genuinely popular process of
constitution-making. Nepal, in recent years, has demonstrated the value
of such civil society supported, government-led constitution-making. At
the same time, we can learn from its mistakes. South Africa is to help
us in post-war reconciliation. India must and will throw its weight
behind the efforts for inter-ethnic dialogue, trust-building and
movement towards a comprehensive political solution to the ethnic
question. The Indian constituent assembly process is a valuable example
to emulate.
The world as a whole, and our neighbours in Asia and our cousins in
South Asia are not merely watching as the Emerald Isle strives to build
peace, but all of them are enthusiastic partners, courtesy of the UN, in
this historic endeavour.