A possible war crime!
UN rights chief says air strike on MSF hospital
in Kunduz inexcusable :
The suspected US-led air strike on a hospital in
the Afghan city of Kunduz that killed at least 19 people, including
12 members of Doctors Without Borders (MSF), was “inexcusable” and
possibly criminal, the UN’s human rights chief has said, as the
Pentagon ordered an investigation into the deadly raid.
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Increasing refugees, increasing global population
As the unprecedented flow of hundreds and
thousands of migrants and refugees continues from war-ravaged
countries to Europe, a new study warns that large-scale migration
from poorer to rich nations will be a permanent feature of the
global economy for decades.
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Indira Gandhi:
Reflecting India’s vices and virtues
Silver-haired and baby-faced, Jayantilal
Choteylal Shah couldn’t contain his laughter. The packed room in
Patiala House took its cue from the judge and laughed uproariously.
The cause of merriment was a witness referring to a Delhi municipal
official called Tamta as ‘Tamater sahib.’
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