A flimsy bit of lingerie damaging our cultural heritage?
Ooh La La! This feline is purring like the engine of an extra posh
Benz left running. At a Christmas party friends looked askance at this
bright eyed, purring-with-malicious-pleasure cat - Me. And why the joy?
Santa was generous? An old flame rang to wish this cat? No, none of
these pleasantries. She had been gifted grist to her writing wrist,
malice and intolerance to set her acid writing flowing. The givers? None
other than the President of the country himself and a MP.
Two incidents: one blown up, one shrouded
The President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka took
strong umbrage at a flimsy, lacy bit of women’s wear being thrown at a
visiting famed Spanish singer, Enrique Iglesias. Was the Prez annoyed
that a visitor was treated thus? Nay! He was angered that the impulsive
act of bra flinging was a slur on us free Sri Lankans and would demean
our 2,500 year-old cultural heritage. A froth of a flimsy bra as against
such an ancient cultural heritage!
Hence the glee and eye gleam in this cat, already evoked by the
beautiful Hirunika, proving herself to be deadly, supposedly having a
young lover-boy abducted, tortured, brought to her majestic presence and
reprimanded, all in the name of saving a marriage.
The Hirunika part is still unproven, but the icing on the cake is
that she supposedly said she had no faith in the police and she was
above the law. The former-justified. The law is dragging its feet to
fully investigate this uncultured act.
Now that bra business. What of it? An impulsive act of a frenzied
This cat supposes very strongly that it was a young man who committed
the crime.
He would have pilfered one of his sister’s bits of lingerie, brought
it to the show in his pocket, surreptitiously taken it out and flung it
on stage. A little cracker of fun, boomeranging itself to a bombshell.
We had the President of the country, no less, taking serious note of
this act of – what? Bravado? Vulgarity? Depravity? No, plain simple
larking or having a bit of naughty fun. But the President thought and
continues to think otherwise. It was a slap in the face of our cultural
heritage and a disgrace to the entire island boasting a great history of
two and a half centuries.
Just an itsy bitsy bra flung on to a stage at a closed concert where
only paid ticket holders were present.
What if a girl did it? Not such a crime. Just a crazy show of
adulation. However, even if a girl was the guilty thrower, she surely
would not have thrown what she was wearing. Not easy to get a bra off
your body when you have a shirt above it and a hairstyle to be left
A panty is easier to remove. That’s what the over enthusiastic
teenagers of the US and Britain do – wriggle out of those lower pieces
of lingerie and fling them on stage.
Not done; but it is done; and what of it. They were not removing
someone else’s undergarment and playing throwball, were they?
Surprise, surprise
This cat was rudely shaken when she heard the President of the
country who delivered this land from dictatorial suppression to freedom
and democracy, objecting strongly to this act of bra throwing in that it
goes against our cultural heritage of more than 2,500 years.
This is a speck of sand in comparison to the desert of unsavoury acts
perpetrated by Ministers of State and other VIPs.
A double edged tongue speaking for the Prez
Those acts actually damage our standing in the world and also cause
rents in the tapestry of our rich heritage. Take Hirunika and her latest
act of hubris. Abduction and torture. Totally uncivilized. Take the
rampant corruption and bribe taking that went on during the last regime
and may be occurring even now. True, there is a marked reduction in
crudity and lawlessness as per ex Minster Dr Mervyn Silva and all his
acts of barbarism. But, consider the disappearance of Eknaligoda and
broad daylight murder of Lasantha W. Accepted they were committed within
the last decade under a different Prez and PM.
They slurred our heritage and the present government has not restored
the lost reputation by punishing those who damaged our cultural values.
So those are weighty issues, Mr President that need your attention.
The Prez continues to be annoyed and concerned about what a flung bra
could do to our cultural heritage, as if it rent it asunder. He
smilingly says social media is expressing views against him. He says if
such an act is allowed to pass without censure, then worse will happen.
He says the next would be that Sri Lankans will walk naked on the
The Jains did it in India till recently. The Rodiya and Padu women
wore no blouses leave alone bras – by decree of the hierarchical caste
Our ancestors went naked till they settled down and got a mite
civilized. Nakedness is no crime except to the prude and intolerant. Our
Maithripala Sirisena is far from these, but unfortunately he has smudged
his copy book by making a mountain of a molehill, which a brassiere too
The stark paradox of paradoxes is, however, that the first person to
rush to side with the President and nod wisely that he acted right and
his warning of naked parading must be taken note of is Minister S. B.
Dissanayake. Paradox since nakedness and exhibiting it out in the open
was much in his mind.
I mean this As Bee who speaks in defence of the Prez pointing to us
the wisdom of his words, made a loud threat a couple of months ago in
the heat of electioneering.
He threatened to … (I feel reluctant to write it, sensitive, cultured
cat that I am and beneficiary of a 2,500-year-old cultural heritage); he
threatened to… take off the clothing of our ex-ex Prez, Chandrika, and
have her parade thataways. Now here is a person doing genuine damage to
our cultural heritage – I mean As Bee. Not only is he speaking rudely
and crudely about a woman but it is about a President of ours who holds
the honour of being the first woman to be Head of State.
So let’s watch how matters proceed. Mayor Muzzamil came out strong
against the organizers of the show on December 20 at the CR & FC
grounds. He is to sue them for supposedly cheating on ticket sales. The
organizers were to be whipped, as threatened by the Prez, with ‘toxic
stingray tails’. Kumar S and Mahela J included?!
Lets go into 2016, or rather be forced to go to the new year with
exuberance frowned on, entertainment curtailed barring whipping and
fining as per certain uncivilized nations, all in the name of our
cultural heritage.
- Menika