Inflation up in November
Inflation as measured by the change in the NCPI (2013=100) increased
to 4.8 percent in November, compared to 3.0 percent in October, on an
year-on-year basis.
The NCPI increased by 2.6 percent from October to November 2015. The
monthly increase was mainly due to the increase in prices of the items
in the food and non alcoholic beverages category. Prices in clothing and
footwear; furnishing, household equipment and routine household
maintenance; transport; health; and miscellaneous goods and services
categories also increased during the month. Prices of alcoholic
beverages, tobacco and narcotics; and housing, water, electricity, gas,
and other fuels categories decreased. Meanwhile, prices of
Communication; Recreation and Culture; Education; and Restaurants and
Hotels sub groups remained unchanged on average. |