Despite 11 years after tsunami waves and billions of
aid and grants:
Lives in tatters
by Latheef Farook

Rebuilding has slowed after the tsunami |
The anniversary of the ferocious and frenzied tsunami waves, observed
on December 26, provides an opportunity for some soul searching - of our
conscience, moral principles and religious values.
Tsunami waves which snatched away thousands of lives in the most
devastating natural disaster ever to strike the island, dismembered
thousands of families, wiped out communities, razed down buildings,
swallowed villages, cities and left behind an unprecedented trail of
These waves disappeared as fast as they appeared leaving the shocked
survivors speechless and dumbfounded.
During the first few post-tsunami days and weeks, there was an
unparalleled outpouring of sympathy for the victims. Spontaneous
goodwill poured forth overwhelmingly when people from all communities
and from all walks of life rushed to help the victims.
It was highly commendable that they rose above race, religion,
ethnicity and other considerations. They demonstrated that compassion
and human kindness still remain alive among the average people. Though
the tsunami brought together the divided communities, yet it was a
short-lived dream as conflict broke out within a year.
Eleven years later today a considerable number of Muslim victims
still languish in worn out huts. Besides five hundred houses built for
Muslim tsunami victims by the Saudi government still remain unoccupied
and virtually collapsing amidst growing jungle due to a court case.
This is despite around three and half billion dollars given in the
form of grants and donations from abroad and from local sources to help
alleviate the sufferings of tsunami victims.
However, this money has been plundered by politicians and
Sri Lanka’s then deputy executive director of the anti-graft
organisation Rukshana Nanayakkara said: “it was almost impossible to
find out what happened to the cash. According to an initial government
audit only 13 percent of the aid was spent during the first year of
reconstruction, but since then there has been no formal examination of
accounts. There has been no proper accounts maintained on the aid money
and we believe that only a fraction of the aid trickled down to the real
“The then government ignored an interim report by the Auditor
General’s Department, which details a series of irregularities. The
report has dealt with questionable transactions between December 26,
2004 and June 30, 2005. It is critical of lapses on the part of the
General Treasury, Central Bank and the Customs. This report, now
gathering dust, called for an in-depth police investigation. The
Rajapaksa government ignored that call, and allowed a group of corrupt
officials and their political masters to go scot free.”
According to a report by then Auditor-General, S.C. Mayadunne,
“government officials misspent or misappropriated hundreds of thousands
of dollars worth of tsunami aid after failing to follow instructions.
Officials gave millions of rupees in tsunami assistance to thousands of
families who were not directly affected while others displaced by the
tsunami did not even get the rations they were entitled to”.
“Some who were not even affected by the tsunami got houses. Some got
two or three boats while others did not get any. They put too much
emphasis on urgency and did not adhere to accounting standards. The
tsunami in many ways was a blessing in disguise to the government. The
inflow of aid saw local currency appreciate by over five percent while
the state enjoyed both debt forgiveness and a moratorium on repayments.
“Later inquiries revealed that the defeated Rajapaksa government has
failed to initiate action against them despite clear evidence of
wasteful expenditure on a large scale. Politicians have connived with
officials to help their supporters play out funds and in some cases,
further the interests of their associates.
According to a report, money was feverishly transferred not only to
government establishments, but also to accounts of individuals,
companies and charity organizations; so much so that a report by The
Tsunami Evaluation coalition (TEC), under former US President Bill
Clinton, suggested that Sri Lanka was over-aided and the island should
be the best and the most efficiently reconstructed.
A survey conducted by the Muslim Reconstruction and Resettlement
Organization (MRRO) had complained to the Disaster Relief Monitoring
Unit (DRMU) of the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka about the delay
and the violation of their rights.
No one knows for sure how many perished. According to some reports a
total of 35,322 people belonging to 14 districts were killed, while
516,150 people were displaced, 65,275 houses completely damaged and
38,561 houses partially damaged. The total estimated damage stood at US$
1.5 billion.
Muslims in the south, south east and the east coast were the worst
affected and, according to some estimates, the Muslim community lost one
percent of their total population in the island.
Assurances were given to those affected, helpless and voiceless
victims that their houses would be rebuilt within six months. But these
promises disappeared in the same way tsunami waves disappeared.
A month-and-a-half after the tsunami, I visited the affected areas
only to realise the full scale of the destruction and words couldn’t
describe the sufferings of survivors most of whom were still in a state
of shock.
Even after six weeks, the East remained a virtually neglected area.
Attributing this to deliberate discrimination even during times of
disaster, many pointed out that no reason could justify neglecting a
region burdened with so much human suffering and misery.
The traumatized and frustrated survivors in the east were seething
with anger with the government, state agencies, politicians and even
foreign donors for their indifference towards their unprecedented
sufferings. They complained that nothing was done to alleviate their
sufferings while foundation stones were laid on a daily basis for
various projects to improve the lot of those affected in the South.
While foreign leaders were taken to the south, none of them visited
the most affected areas in the east. No attention was paid to develop
the worst affected east coast villages which were areas predominantly
occupied by Muslims and even government officials from Ampara failed to
visit these areas in and around Kalmunai.
The situation in the East did not improve even two years after the
tsunami. The then UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, slammed Sri Lanka’s
warring parties, the government and the LTTE, for the violence that had
slowed rebuilding after the tsunami. “No one could have prevented the
tsunami’s wave of destruction.
But together we can stem the tide of conflict, which threatens once
again to engulf the people of Sri Lanka,” said Annan who, in contrast,
praised Indonesia for the spirit of solidarity in rebuilding the
tsunami-affected areas. “In Sri Lanka, that spirit has not been