Galileo satellite's secure codes cracked
One of the consequences of a national policy that tax payers should
have free access to the data their taxes pay for - as is the case in the
US - is that if you tell American researchers something is free or open
source, their expectations are raised.
So when a team of researchers led by Mark Psiaki, professor of
mechanical and aerospace engineering at Cornell University, discovered
that the signals coming from a European test satellite that they thought
to be accessible were instead protected by secret codes, they set about
cracking them and succeeded.
But their success, which allows them and others to test prototype
receivers for Europe's new global satellite navigation system, raises
two questions: can the body in charge of it, the Galileo Joint
Undertaking, succeed as a public-private partnership? And how open will
its service be? Constellation of 30 satellites.
Galileo will be like the familiar US-built and operated Global
Positioning system, but promises greater accuracy - to within 1m,
compared to GPS's 10m. Galileo's constellation of 30 satellites will be
launched between 2008 and 2010 at a cost of 2.3bn (o1.5bn).
One-third will be paid by public funds, and the rest will come from a
consortium of eight companies, including Alcatel and Inmarsat. Galileo's
pre-launch phase, including the test satellite, has so far cost ?1.3bn,
shared equally between the member states of the EU and the European
Space Agency.
By comparison, GPS costs the US treasury about $400m (o211m) a year,
including satellite updates. In return for its investment, the Galileo
consortium expects to market applications based on secured commercial
services - including global search-and-rescue, and others restricted to
organisations of EU member states.
Besides that and the open service professor Psiaki is interested in,
Galileo will offer three other secured services: global
search-and-rescue, safety-of-life (for airplanes), and a public
regulated service open only to EU member state emergency and government
The Galileo Joint Undertaking business plan (at
estimates that the market for satellite navigation applications will
grow from 30bn (o20bn) in 2004 to 276bn (o187bn) by 2020. Part of
Galileo's goal is to improve global accuracy and availability. To enable
that, an EU-US agreement says Galileo will use the same set of radio
frequencies as GPS and in return must offer an open service "without
direct fees for end use".
But having had to crack the test satellite's codes, Psiaki asks
whether Galileo intends to charge for the part of the service that's
supposed to be open? And if it does, would Europeans and Americans be
charged different rates? "I, and a lot of people, want Galileo to
succeed," Psiaki says, "but I don't want to be shut out.
We're talking about a market that's worth $15bn a year, maybe $200bn
by 2020. The Europeans aren't dumb and they want to get a big share of
that, and Americans are worried that there may be some effort to corner
that market on the part of Europe. "
Psiaki's story began in January, when Galileo's newly launched test
satellite, GIOVE-A, began transmitting coded test signals. Psiaki, who
is designing a receiver to study the ionosphere, wanted to use the
signals to test his design, and emailed a request for the codes to
Martin Unwin at Surrey Satellite Technology Limited, the company that
designed and built the GIOVE-A satellite.
(The Guardian)