What passes for architecture, post- Bawa
Geoffrey Bawa was a Sri Lankan
architect-enthusiast who travelled far and wide and had seen almost
all the monumental work belonging to diverse architectural
traditions. After extensive travelling, a largely self-educated Bawa
returned to Sri Lanka and designed his garden, the now-famous 'Bawa's
Garden', a utopian garden at his estate Lunugaga giving free reign
to his unbounded imagination.
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A new kind of tourism - voluntourism in Sri Lanka
The theory is that it is win-win; the challenge
is to ensure that the feel-good factor for the tourists is matched
by lasting benefits for local communities. Development agencies work
with local stake-holders to assess a community's needs, draw up
strategies for change and fund projects that are then subject to
ongoing evaluation; projects have to be sustainable and carried out
in close partnership with local people.
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Joseph Vaz apostle of Sri Lanka: Catholicism was under siege!
When the Calvinist Dutch began to assert their
power over Sri Lanka in their campaign to oust the Portuguese they
tried every means to destroy Catholicism in the island. The Catholic
Church in Sri Lanka was decimated. Churches, colleges and schools
were razed to the ground or changed to Calvinist centres of cult or
education. Priests were expelled, when not put to death.
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