Tales from the Walauwa
by Cat O'Logge
Just when the madness of football, and cricket seemed to be safely
over and just when there weren't any more prospects of ear shattering
firecrackers and such, they just had to go and hold the SAG games.
And once more the whole family had nothing better to do than watch
the games. And the organizer just had to be someone who always follows
my column because instead of the usual crude firecrackers, this time
they started and ended with most spectacularly brilliant displays of
fairy lights.
However, it must be said that I learnt a lot about the family through
their comments about the SAG games. For one thing I learnt that Mother
of the house is a very patriotic lady. At any given time of the day she
was perfectly aware of Sri Lanka's position on the scorecard. Sometimes,
she went a teensy bit overboard and wouldn't settle down for dinner
properly if she didn't know just how that last competition had ended.
Daughter of the house made some comments during one of the table
tennis competitions which didn't really agree with my opinions. I mean,
there was that Sri Lankan player screaming loudly each time he scored a
point and I firmly happened to think that he really has a talent for
screaming loudly.
It was sort of like he was at some kind of vicious Christians versus
lions competition in ancient Greece. I felt pretty defeated that I
couldn't communicate with this remarkable fellow of remarkable screams
because I really wanted to tell him to add a touch of chest beating to
his high decibelled verbal display. It would have made things all the
more interesting, don't you think?
Fish and music
I really liked the closing ceremony and not only because it meant the
end of the whole family doing nothing, but watching TV the whole time. I
finally learnt where fish come from because I happened to watch a dance
based on fishermen's lives.
Ooh, how I wish I had a cousin somewhere near the coast to spend my
holidays with. Father of the house kept saying that the music provided
by the bands of the armed forces and the police band was a real joy to
listen to. And indeed I too enjoyed watching the smiling musicians boom
booming on their various instruments.
Another interesting highlight was the fact that at the closing
ceremony when they had all types of songs, father and mother would sing
along some ancient classic and the next minute daughter of the house
would be heard singing and nodding her head to the tune of some modern
And even Leela and Magilin were up on the day it all ended and there
they were all laughing and such at daughter's comic displays.
Pala had chosen not to come in, instead he had chosen to sit by
himself on the portico steps, taking tentative peeps at the TV in the
living room. Please, please, may all the feline forces of ancient Egypt
listen to my humble voice. Could I please have something other than
games to write about in my little column?