The Art of Googling
"The Internet is a great place to find information. The only problem
is we don't know where to look...". We've heard this remark probably a
thousand of times. And ignorant as it may sound, it's 100% correct.
Finding information on the web is not an easy task. If you don't know
where to look in the first place, the only resort will be an Internet
search engine. But the problem with search engines is that they're only
good to the extent of the search algorithm they're based upon. That
might sound a little gibberish, but all it implies is that search
engines are just as flawed as the humans who program it!

So don't expect a search engine to deliver a recipe of "how to create
your own universe" when you type in the words how, to, create, your,
own, universe. This of course does not imply that there aren't any
recipes in the Internet on how you can create a universe. It simply
means that the search engine is not highly evolved enough to know that
you're looking for a way create a universe.
So what can you do? The first and most familiar way to tackle this
kind of situation is be unhappy at yourself, the search engine and
everyone else in the universe who think that the Internet is a great
place to find information. (Then you can criticize the government, LTTE,
United States and afterwards maybe God as well for providing just the
right infrastructure to place you in a situation like this)
The second solution is of course the rational one, which most of us
dislike putting into action. It goes a little bit like this.
First you can add quotes (" ") to your phrase and let the search
engine search for the whole phrase instead of searching for individual
words that can come in different parts of the web page. (For example if
you search my name on the Internet you may get a bizarre case like an
obituary notice where a Ranga De Silva and an Achala Kamaladasa has died
due to tragic circumstances...)
Going back to our original search query on "how to create your own
universe", you might get results of various kinds of books that might be
in stall at or maybe even in e-bay. But since you're not
crazy enough to buy a book on the matter, you might want to eliminate
the search results for books...
So what do you do? Just add in '-book' without the single quotes.
This 'subtracts' the search results that include book in the same
Another neat trick is adding a plus sign. For example there are
countless amounts of recipes of "how to create your own" somethings,
anythings and everythings on the Internet. So you want to make sure that
the word 'universe' is a compulsory search query. For that just add a
plus sign in front of the Universe. (+universe)
Then again some people don't like to use the word Universe, simply
because it's too clich‚. They use words like cosmos or even the great
abyss. For this reason Google has invented the synonyms search. All you
have to do is add the sign '~' without the single quotes in front of the
desired word. (~Universe)
When all else fails you might go crazy and want to go back to and buy the damn book instead. For this Google has also
invented a neat trick! You can actually search your query on a specific
domain. In our case we want to search the domain so all we
have to type is "" after our search query.
Now might have prices ranging from $50-400 for a book that
tells you how to create your own universe. If you're a heart patient and
your heart is not in the mood to see a price over the range of $100,
don't panic, Google has a solution for that as well. All you need to do
is search for a range. To do that just enter limits of price and add two
dots between them ($50..$100)
If all these shortcuts seem wayward to remember then go to Google
Advanced Search. There you'll find a lot of other options, including
date, occurrences, usage rights and a heap of other filters.
If all these fail, then you might as well stop thinking about
creating your own universe. But don't loose faith on the Internet, with
a little experience (and a little luck sprinkled on top) you might get
the search engine to actually behave the way you want to.
With the time constraints you have and the with the infinite array of
possibilities that you might indulge yourself rather than sitting front
of a computer and typing random queries, it's safe to say that it's
highly improbable that you'll succeed.
But it's not impossible.
(comments : [email protected])